status: Completed

Chair (s): Amir Aryani, Adrian Burton

Group Email: [group_email]

Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]

The Data Description Registry Interoperability (DDRI) WG has now completed its activities and the group has been closed. If you are interested in the group's topic, please join the Open Science Graphs for FAIR Data IG, which has taken over most of the activity from the DDRI WG.

Please note that the Data Description Registry Interoperability WG has delivered its outputs and has now become a Maintenance Group for these outputs.


Driven by the rapid development of data storage technology, the number of research data repositories is growing fast and researchers more than ever have access to a range of data repositories including university data storage, discipline-specific repositories and national (regional) level data infrastructures. The problem is that these infrastructures are often operating in silos; that is, they cannot connect their datasets to the related research or datasets in other platforms.

The partners in this working group have addressed the problem of cross-platform discovery by connecting datasets together on the basis of co-authorship or other collaboration models such as joint funding and grants. This working group did not aim for a monolithic solution, avoiding a one uber-portal to rule them all. Rather it compiles simple enabling infrastructures based on existing open protocols and standards with a flexible and extensible approach that allows registries to opt-in and enables any third-party to create particular global views of research data.

The outcome of this working group is described in this open document: Note: This document is at the draft stage. 

This working group had contribution from the following institutions


In addition, the researchers, practitioners and eResearch experts from the following institutions will engage in the conversations of this working group and provide feedback on the relevance of the outcomes to the broader community: arXiv, Griffith University,  University of Adelaide and the University of Melbourne.


You can find the recommendation by this group at the following direct link for b2share:









RDA's 17th Plenary - Submission deadlines coming up!

by Jamie Lupo-Petta

Dear Data Description Registry Interoperability WG Members,   With RDA VP17 fast approaching, we would like to bring the following news and key dates to your attention:   Call for Sessions closing on 26 January 2021 at 23:59 UTC. The deadline for submitting your session proposal is almost here! To submit your request for a breakout session, please complete the form below which corresponds to your meeting type. 
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DDI - Cross Domain Integration (DDI-CDI): first Public Review Release

by Joachim Wackerow

The Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) Alliance is pleased to announce the first Public Review of DDI - Cross Domain Integration (DDI-CDI), a specification aimed at helping implementers integrate data across domain and institutional boundaries.
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Notification Of Acceptance RDA Plenary 15 Session Application

by Marieke Willems

Dear group,   Congratulations! Your joint session application  - RDA/WDS Scholarly Link Exchange (Scholix) WG, Open Science Graphs for FAIR Data IG and Data Description Registry Interoperability (DDRI) WG) - Joining the Dots for Better Research - has been approved and will appear in the RDA Plenary 15 Programme.  Please consider this your official notification of acceptance.  
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RDA Plenary 15 Announcements - Registration and Calls for Co-located Events and Posters Now Open

by Jamie Lupo-Petta

RDA is excited to announce several important pieces of information related to RDA Plenary 15: Data for Real-World Impact, which will be held from 18-20 March 2020 in Melbourne, Australia at the Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre, MCEC (
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Deadline For P15 Group Session Submissions Extended To 5 December 2019

by Alexandra Delipalta

Dear RDA members,    RDA's 15th Plenary meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 18-20 March 2020    The deadline to submit session proposals for Plenary 15 in Melbourne, Australia has been extended to 5 December 2019, midnight UTC. Group session application form Joint meeting application form
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Deadline for P15 Group Session Submissions Fast Approaching

by Alexandra Delipalta

Dear Group Members,  The deadline for group session submissions for Plenary 15 is 28 November 2019, midnight UTC – just two weeks away. If your group is interested in submitting a session for a working group, interest group or joint meeting session, submissions will only be accepted from your group chairs, so be sure to coordinate with them to ensure proper communication of the submission.    If you are a chair and submitting for a joint meeting session, all chairs involved in that joint session must be notified of the submission. 
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Deadline for P15 Group Session Submissions Fast Approaching

by Alexandra Delipalta

Dear Group Members,  The deadline for group session submissions for Plenary 15 is 28 November 2019, midnight UTC – just two weeks away. If your group is interested in submitting a session for a working group, interest group or joint meeting session, submissions will only be accepted from your group chairs, so be sure to coordinate with them to ensure proper communication of the submission.    If you are a chair and submitting for a joint meeting session, all chairs involved in that joint session must be notified of the submission. 
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CODATA Data Science Journal Call For Papers: Research Data Alliance Results Special Collection

by Gina Pavone

Dear members, I’m writing on behalf of the editorial board of the CODATA Data Science Journal. I would like to recall the possibility to submit the outputs produced by this group for the special collection of CODATA DSJ on RDA Results. Publication fees will be covered by the EC project "RDA Europe 4.0".  
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