IG Established

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Domain Repositories IG

Recognised & Endorsed

Status: Recognized & Endorsed The Domain Repositories Interest Group will bring together active data repositories that serve specific scientific disciplines. Domain repositories provide archiving services tailored to the needs of scientific communities, and they mediate between domain scientists and rapid changes in information and data science.

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Recognised & Endorsed

The pervasive use of persistent identifiers is seen as a foundational element in anchoring and referencing research data in an interoperable way. The purpose of the Persistent Identifier Interest Group is to synchronize identifier-related efforts, address important and emerging PID-related topics and coordinate activities, including appropriate RDA Working Groups, to practically solve PID-related issues from the engaged communities.

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Biodiversity Data Integration IG

Recognised & Endorsed

The group aims to steer discussion and coordinate efforts that create synergies among infrastructure developments around biodiversity data, and to connect these with RDA developments in the wider inter-disciplinary research infrastructure landscape. Infrastructures cannot operate in isolation but need to be part of the same value chain to deliver scientific outputs.

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Education and Training on Handling of Research Data IG

Recognised & Endorsed

The context of increasing volumes of data being created by researchers and the strengthening of requirements for research data management and data sharing has created demand for a new and evolving set of competencies and skills for researchers who create and use the data, and the growing cadre of professionals who support them.

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RDA/CODATA Materials Data, Infrastructure & Interoperability IG

Recognised & Endorsed

Status: Recognised & Endorsed The development of advanced materials inherently rests on access to a distributed materials infrastructure and materials research data to fuel discovery and innovation.Given the complementary missions the RDA IG and the CODATA TG will work together under the following statement in support of the exchange of material data.

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