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RDA/WDS Publishing Data Cost Recovery for Data Centres IG


General services to publish data are not available and the necessary editorial process  leading to quality assured and efficiently usable data requires resources to be quantified. At present, there is an imbalance between the capacities and functionality of existing data  centres and data repositories and the global production of scientific data. Budgets of data centres generally cover a precise scope, mostly data production of the host institution.

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Libraries for Research Data IG

Research Data have become a primary research asset that often requires continued access in the dynamic environment of mobile researchers, volatile repositories, transient products and short-lived standards. Libraries have looked after written research assets for centuries and now tackle the challenge of adapting their function to making data reliably accessible and re-usable.

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Ethics and Social Aspects of Data IG

Recognised & Endorsed
Chair (s): 

Ethical and social issues with respect to data archiving, sharing, and reuse cut across many of the technical and policy work of the rest of the RDA.  Such issues are complementary to but separate from legal and regulatory aspects, since technology usually outpaces law and law itself is underpinned by ethical agreements and social contracts.

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