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21 Dec 2020

Sensitive Data Interest Group

Sensitive data is increasingly used for research purposes. However, there are a number of barriers which need to be overcome before sensitive data can be fully operationalized in the research context. Chief among these is that not all sensitive data is alike, with significant disciplinary variation in how sensitive data is defined, linked, managed, stored, and reused. Additionally, common approaches to data optimization are not always appropriate for sensitive data, such as the relationship between the FAIR and CARE principles for data management. Nonetheless, sensitive data has significant

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27 Nov 2019

Engaging Researchers with Data IG

Recognised & Endorsed

Good Research Data Management (RDM) is a key component of research integrity and reproducible research. Consequently, funding bodies, governments, research institutions and other agencies have emphasised the value and importance of good data management. However, discussions about data management and sharing are sometimes limited to librarians, data professionals, or researchers who are already passionate about data stewardship and open science.

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