Professionalising Data Stewardship IG Charter

15 May 2020

Professionalising Data Stewardship IG Charter

Update November 30, 2020:

Our group has been approved by the TAB and endorsed by the Council. Yay! This makes the charter definitive as well. Thanks to all who have contributed and provided feedback. And thanks to the TAB and Council for their trust in this group. 

Update October 2020:

Based on the revisions requested by the TAB, we have updated the IG charter (changes in yellow) with regard to the following aspects:

  • updated information on the co-chairs nomination/election, including geographical spread.
  • updated information on our contacts with relevant other IG and WG, to speed up collaborations

We thank the TAB for their useful feedback and hope the updated charter will result in the formal recognition of our IG (in formation). Don't hesitate to contact us in case of questions.

Many thanks and best regards,

Mijke Jetten, on behalf of the other co-chairs as well,

Peter Neish, Niklas Zimmer, Mohammad Akhlaghi, Varsha Khodiyar, Michelle Barker, Romain DAVID, Debora Drucker, Christina Drummond, Yan Wang


May 2020:

In attachment, you find the charter proposal for the Professionalising Data Stewardship Interest Group (in formation). Part of the submission process is a round of community review (up to June 18) on the proposed charter. We kindly ask you to read the charter and provide feedback via the 'comments option'. 

Many thanks in advance,

Mijke, Marta & Peter (co-chairs)


Original Charter (May 2020):

Revised Charter (October 2020):

Review period start: 
Monday, 18 May, 2020 to Thursday, 18 June, 2020
  • Agnès Robin's picture

    Author: Agnès Robin

    Date: 20 May, 2020


    I'm very interested to participate at the IG as IP/IT Law professor and head of the first french formation in Data Stewardship :

    The programme of our training is made to allow researchers, Phd and engineers to gain competences and obtain a certification or a diplomation.

    Is that possible to join the group members as observer?

    I'm interested in particulary by profiling Data Steward jobs and definition of career tracks for data stewards.

    Thank you for your answer,

    Best regards



  • Mijke Jetten's picture

    Author: Mijke Jetten

    Date: 26 May, 2020

    Yes, ofcourse! Please push the 'join group' button and we'll keep you informed!

  • Romain DAVID's picture

    Author: Romain DAVID

    Date: 25 May, 2020

    I'm very interested to participate at the IG as a DataManager in an European Research Infrastructure (ERINHA

    Is that possible to join the group members as observer?

    I'm interested in particulary by Data Steward skills definition to build Datasteward network in ERINHA.

    Best regards

  • Mijke Jetten's picture

    Author: Mijke Jetten

    Date: 26 May, 2020

    Great! Please push the 'join group' button and we'll keep you informed!

  • Richard Welpton's picture

    Author: Richard Welpton

    Date: 17 Jun, 2020

    I have just requested to join the group, the proposal sounds excellent.  I believe that data stewardship as a concept may mean many things to different people, and therefore professionalisation and development of career pathways is going to be extremely useful. 

    I have worked with others in the UK in the past, and spoken to government agencies about this, in particularly, considering how data stewardship could fit into civil service professions.  I've worked with colleagues in the Safe Data Access Professionals Group to develop a competency framework, and will be revisiting this, so I'd like to work with this interest group to help with this work.  I'm also aware of other initiates in the UK, for example, the Open Data Institute is doing some work in this area.  Finally, I would like to consider how data stewardship principles can be applied more widely in the UK health and care services, as this is the sector my organisation exists to support.

  • Mijke Jetten's picture

    Author: Mijke Jetten

    Date: 27 Jul, 2020

    Hi Richard, just wanted to say how valuable your contribution will be. Really happy to have you on board! Best Mijke

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