Wrapping-up PIDINST WG

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22 Jun 2019
Group(s) submitting the application: 
Meeting objectives: 

The primary objective is to present the PIDINST WG deliverables. Furthermore, we will present the on going activities on schema adoption by PID infrastructures and instrument database providers. Finally, we will discuss the future of the WG as it transitions into maintenance mode to ensure sustainability of WG output.


Meeting agenda: 

Collaborative session notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/116DT6FCekml9qfIpT3c3sIPG7-PvHdVftnnhbB-PFp0/edit?usp=sharing



  • Introduction (Stocker, 10 min)
  • Deliverables (30 min)
    • PIDINST Metadata Schema (Krahl, 15 min)
    • PIDINST Journal Article (Stocker, 5 min)
    • White Paper for instrument database providers (Darroch, 10 min)
  • Adoption (30 min)
    • ePIC and PIDINST (Schwardmann, 5 min)
    • DataCite and PIDINST (TBC, 5 min)
    • Using DataCite DOIs to persistently identify instruments at HZB (Krahl, 5 min)
    • Using ePIC to persistently identify instruments at BODC (Darroch, 5 min)
    • Persistent identification of instruments at the Integrated Carbon Observation System (Hellström, 5 min)
    • Persistent identification of instruments at AWI (Dohna, 5 min)
    • Linking data and instruments at PANGAEA (Dohna, 5 min)
  • Discussion (20 min)
Target Audience: 

Researchers and experts managing or working with instruments as well as representatives of PID infrastructure providers, institutional providers of instrument databases, instrument manufacturers, data centers.

Group chair serving as contact person: 
Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group: 

Measuring instruments, such as sensors used in environmental science, DNA sequencers used in life sciences, or laboratory instruments used for medical research, are ubiquitous and fundamental to most fields of science. The ability to unambiguously refer to and describe an instrument instance, link the instance with instrument type as well as with the broader context in which the instrument operates is critical, especially for automated processing of such contextual information and for the interpretation of generated data. The PIDINST WG aims to apply persistent identification to instrument instances and to develop and support the adoption of a community driven metadata schema and recommendation for implementing persistent identification of instruments in existing PID infrastructure.

Short Group Status: 

PIDINST has collected over a dozen use cases, aligned them to produce a PIDINST WG Metadata Schema, which was first presented at P12. The group is currently working on the revised version of the schema that takes into account issues raised at P12.

Type of Meeting: 
Working meeting
Avoid conflict with the following group (1): 
Avoid conflict with the following group (2):