Dr Markus Stocker Chair
Member since: 03/07/2016 - 11:47Short Bio
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Research group leader at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB). Interested in knowledge infrastructures, in particular research infrastructures for the earth and environmental sciences. I hold a PhD in Environmental Informatics from the University of Eastern Finland, a MSc in Environmental Science from the University of Eastern Finland, and a Diploma (MSc) in Informatics from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Prior to TIB, I held a postdoctoral research associate position at PANGAEA, the Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science, at the MARUM Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany. I continue to be affiliated with MARUM. As a member of the Research Data Alliance (RDA), I am involved in various groups, in particular the WG Persistent Identification of Instruments and the IG From Observational Data to Information. Author of Wavellite, a software framework for situation awareness in environmental monitoring, and Emrooz, a scalable database for sensor data, I have several years of professional experience in software development and semantic technologies, with positions at Hewlett Packard Labs, Bristol, UK and Clark & Parsia, Washington DC, USA. I enjoy working together with scientists and have experiences with aerosol scientists, biogeochemists, and agricultural scientists.