Steve Quenette

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Dr Steve Quenette

Member since: 02/06/2020 - 23:43
Professional title: 
CTO/IT Director
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
Computer science
Organization name: 
Monash University
Organization type: 

Short Bio

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Dr Steve Quenette is the Deputy Director of the Monash eResearch Centre, and the lead of the Monash node of the Australian (Nectar) Research Cloud & Research Data Services. His role within Monash University is to lead and drive the adoption of digital technology and advanced techniques in all fields of research. He has vast experience in business strategy, technology strategy, transformation and operations, with experiences ranging from universities, defence, hospitals and startups. He has a Phd in computer science, a Bch Science and a Bch Engineering. He has also participated in several applied domains of research including the biological sciences, healthcare, geophysics and energy. Steve has developed his present team to be global pioneers of software defined infrastructure, ranging from networks to clouds to domain-specific to federated platforms. He has long-standing partnerships with technology leaders and integrators.

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