Ge Peng

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Dr Ge Peng

Member since: 10/04/2018 - 15:53
Professional title: 
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
Climate Science/Data Stewardship
Other (professional title): 
Sr. Principal Research Scientist
Organization name: 
The University of Alabama in Huntsville
Organization type: 
United States

Short Bio

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GE PENG, PhD Earth System Science Center/NASA MSFC IMPACT, Data Stewardship Lead The University of Alabama in Huntsville Expert Team on Information Management of World Meteorological Organization, Chair Earth System Science Data Journal, Chief Editor International FAIR Dataset Quality Information Community Guidelines Working Group, Lead 309 Cedar Crest Dr, Asheville, NC 28803 Tel: (828) 575-2801; E-mail: PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Over twenty years of technical experience in oceanic and atmospheric model and data product development and validation, and over five years in scientific data management and stewardship. • Expert knowledge of full life cycle of numerical modeling and data evaluation. • Extensive experience in applying general circulation models to atmospheric and oceanic systems or using observations to examine their seasonal, inter-annual, and decadal variability. • Strong background and extensive experience in data assimilation and statistical analysis with both observational data products and model output. • Extensive experience in evaluating data product quality and stewardship maturity. • Expert knowledge of national and international metadata standards, NOAA scientific data appraisal and archive procedures, NOAA research-to-operation and archival processes for climate data records, life cycle and best practices of archiving and stewarding scientific data. EDUCATION Ph. D., Meteorology, 1994, University of Miami, FL (18+ credits in physical oceanography) M.S., Meteorology, 1984, Lanzhou Institute of Plateau Atmospheric Physics, Lanzhou, China B.S., Meteorology, 1982, University of Lanzhou, Lanzhou, China EMPLOYMENT 12/20 – present, Sr. Principal Research Scientist, UAH/NASA MSFC IMPACT, Huntsville, Alabama, USA 3/2012 – 12/20, Research Scholar, CICS-NC & NOAA/NCEI, Asheville, North Carolina, USA 11/09 – 2/12, Subject Matter Expert, STG, Inc. & NOAA/NCDC, Asheville, North Carolina, USA 10/09 – 11/09, Visiting Associate Researcher, JIFRESSE/UCLA, & NASA JPL, California, USA 5/07 – 11/09, Sr. Physics Engineer II, Raytheon & NASA JPL, Pasadena, California, USA 6/97 – 5/07, Assistant Scientist, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA 8/93 - 5/97, Research Associate, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Meteorological Society American Geophysical Union International Glaciological Society SELECTED RECENT PUBLICATIONS Peng, G, Downs, R R, Lacagnina, C, Ramapriyan, H, Ivánová, I, and others 2021 Call to Action for Global Access to and Harmonization of Quality Information of Individual Earth Science Datasets. Data Science Journal, 20, doi: Downs, R.R., Ramapriyan, H.K., Peng, G., and Wei, Y., 2021: Perspectives on Citizen Science Data Quality. Frontiers in Climate. 3, doi: Peng, G., J.L. Matthews, M. Wang, R. Vose, and L. Sun, 2020: What Do Global Climate Models Tell Us About Future Arctic Sea Ice Coverage Changes? Climate. 8, doi: 10.3390/cli8010015 Peng, G, Milan, A, Ritchey, N, Partee II, R P, Zinn, S, McQuinn, Lemieux III, P E, Ionin, R, Collins, D, Jones, P, Jakositz, A, and Casey, K S, 2019: Practical Application of a Stewardship Maturity Matrix for the NOAA OneStop Program. Data Science Journal, 18. DOI: Peng, G., M. Steele, A. Bliss, W. Meier and S. Dickinson, 2018: Temporal Means and Variability of Arctic Sea Ice Melt and Freeze Season Climate Indicators Using a Satellite Climate Data Record. Remote Sensing, 10, doi:10.3390/rs10091328 Peng, G., J.L. Privette, C. Tilmes, S. Bristol, T. Maycock, J.J. Bates, S. Hausman, O. Brown, and E. J. Kearns, 2018: A Conceptual Enterprise Framework for Managing Scientific Data Stewardship. Data Science Journal, 17, doi:10.5334/dsj-2018-015 Peng, G., 2018: The state of assessing data stewardship maturity – An overview. Data Science Journal. 17, doi: 10.5334/dsj-2018-007 Peng, G., J.L. Matthews, and J.T. Yu, 2018: Sensitivity Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice Extent Trends and Statistical Projections Using Satellite Data. Remote Sensing, 10, doi:10.3390/rs10020230 Peng, G. and W. N. Meier, 2017: Temporal and regional variability of Arctic sea-ice coverage from satellite data. Annals of Glaciology, 59(76pt2), doi:10.1071/aog.2017.32 Ramapriyan, H., G. Peng, D. Moroni, C.-L. Shie, 2017: Ensuring and Improving Information Quality for Earth Science Data and Products. D.-Lib Magazine, 23, doi: 10.1045/july2017-ramapriyan. Peng, G., N. A. Ritchey, K. S. Casey, E. J. Kearns, J. L. Privette, D. Saunders, P. Jones, T. Maycock, and S. Ansari, 2016: Scientific stewardship in the Open Data and Big Data era - Roles and responsibilities of stewards and other major product stakeholders. D.-Lib Magazine. 22, doi:10.1045/may2016-peng. Peng, G., J.L. Privette, E.J. Kearns, N.A. Ritchey, and S. Ansari, 2015: A unified framework for measuring stewardship practices applied to digital environmental datasets. Data Science Journal, 13, 231–253. doi:10.2481/dsj.14-049. Meier, W. N., G. Peng, D. J. Scott, and M. Savoie, 2014: Verification of a new sea ice concentration climate data record. Polar Research. doi:10.3402/polar.v33.21004. Available at: . Peng, G., W.N. Meier, D. J. Scott, and M. Savoie, 2013: A Long-Term and Reproducible Satellite-Based Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration Data Record for Climate Study and Monitoring. Earth System Science Data Journal, 5, 311–318, doi:10.5194/essd-5-311-2013. Peng, G., H.-M. Zhang, H.P. Frank, J.-R. Bidlot, M. Higaki, S. Stevens, and W.R. Hankins, 2013: Evaluation of various surface wind products with OceanSITES buoy measurements. Weather and Forecasting, 28, 1281–1303, doi:10.1175/WAF-D-12-00086.1. Shi, L., G. Peng, J. Bates, 2012: Deriving surface temperature and humidity from long-term HIRS observation in high latitudes. J. Atmos. Oceanic. Tech., 29, 3–13, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-11-00024.1 SELECTED PRESENTATIONS AND CONFERENCES Peng, G., M. Brewer, R. Duerr, W. Wright, and C. Lief, 2018: Seeing feedback from the ESIP community on two developing dataset maturity assessment models. Session. 2017 Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) Federation Summer Meeting, Tucson, AZ, July 16–20, 2018. Peng, G., 2018: Maturity models for assessing maturity of Earth Science datasets. Invited. WMO Expert Meeting on Climate Data Modernisation. KNMI, De Bilt, Netherlands. April 16–18, 2018. Peng, G., C. Lief, and S. Ansari, 2017: Improving Stewardship of Scientific Data Through the Use of a Maturity Matrix – A Success Story. 2017 NOAA Enterprise Data Management Workshop. , Bethesda, MD, 9 – 10 January 2017. Peng, G., 2017: Data Stewardship Maturity Matrix – Introduction and Application. Invited. Library of Congress Annual Digital Preservation - DSA Meeting, Washington, DC, 18–19 September, 2017. Peng, G., 2017: Towards consistent and citable data quality descriptive information for end-users. 2017 ESIP Federation Summer Meeting, Bloomington, IN, July 24-28, 2017. Peng, G. and J. Privette, 2016: Stewardship framework in NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information. Invited. 27–28 September 2016, CMA/NMIC, Beijing, China. Ritchey, N., A. Milan, P. Jones, Y. Li, G. Peng, and D. Collins, 2016: Advances in Earth Science metadata for NOAA’s OneStop Project. ESIP 2016 Summer Meeting, Durham, NC, 19–22 July 2016. Peng, G., 2016: DSMM development and application – Briefing to the NCEI Science Council. June 9, 2016, Asheville, NC. Peng. G., 2016: Stewards – Knowledge and communication hub. Presentation to the NCEI EA Roundtable. May 12, 2016. Ritchey, N., A. Milan, P. Jones, D. Collins, Y. Li, J. Mize, and G. Peng, 2016: NOAA OneStop: Metadata Plans and Progress. NOAA’s Environmental Data Management Workshop, Washington, D.C., 4–5 January 2016. Peng, G., 2015: Stewardship maturity assessment of GHCN-Monthly v3 and lessons learned. NCEI stakeholders and management briefing, Asheville, NC, 28 September 2015. Peng, G., 2015: Towards a consistent measure of stewardship practices applied to individual digital Earth Science datasets. 2015 ESIP Summer Meeting, Pacific Cove, CA, 14–17 July 2015. Peng, G., 2015: A new paradigm for ensuring and improving data quality and usability – Roles and responsibilities of key players and stakeholders. 2015 ESIP Summer Meeting, Pacific Cove, CA, 14-17 July 2015. Privette, J. L., G. Peng, and K. Casey, 2015: Stewardship Frameworks in the National Centers for Environmental Information. NCEI Branch Seminar, Asheville, NC, June 30, 2015. Peng, G., 2015: Towards a consistent measure of stewardship practices. NCEI Branch Seminar, National Centers for Environmental Information, Asheville, NC, USA, 6 May 2015. Peng, G., 2014: Introduction to scientific data stewardship maturity matrix. NCEI Branch Seminar, National Centers for Environmental Information, Asheville, NC, 13 November 2014. Peng, G. and J. L. Privette, 2014: Stewardship maturity matrix – a unified framework for assessing data quality and usability practices applied to individual digital environmental data products. 2014 ESIP summer meeting, Copper Mountain, CO, 7-11 July 2014. Peng, G. and J. L. Privette, 2014: A stewardship maturity matrix for assessing the state of environmental data quality and usability. 10th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, AMS 2014 annual meeting, February 2-6, 2014, Atlanta, GA.

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