Eugene Siow

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Mr Eugene Siow

Member since: 12/08/2015 - 00:49
Professional title: 
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
Computer Science
Organization name: 
University of Southampton
Organization type: 
United Kingdom

Short Bio

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Eugene Siow is a postgraduate researcher with the Web and Internet Science Group, Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton. His research area is in distributed Linked Data infrastructures and databases for the Internet of Things. He also works for DSO National Laboratories in Singapore as a Member of the Technical Staff on big data analytics for maritime security and worked previously as a tutor in the National University of Singapore. He holds a BComp Computer Engineering (1st Class) from the National University of Singapore (NUS) and received the Halbrecht Associates Book Prize for graduating as the best Honours student. He was also a NUS Scholar and DSTA College Scholar.

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