Andrew Hoffman

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Dr Andrew Hoffman

Member since: 01/19/2023 - 08:08
Professional title: 
Other (professional title): 
Data Steward
Organization name: 
Leiden University
Organization type: 

Short Bio

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As a Data Steward in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Leiden University, I am primarily responsible for liaising with researchers and support staff in Cultural Anthropology & Development Sociology (CAOS) and the Centre for Science & Technology Studies (CWTS) to address research data management needs spanning the whole project lifecycle. Additionally, I work closely with colleagues at SOLO (Support for Research, Laboratories and Education) and in the Center for Digital Scholarship to develop policy and tooling resources that aid in navigating the rapidly shifting -- and sometimes daunting -- data management landscape. I had an early career as a research data coordinator in academic cancer medicine (NYC, US) before going on to complete a doctoral degree in sociology/social studies of medicine (McGill University, CA). Over the course of two subsequent postdoctoral fellowships (University of Washington, USA & Radboud University, NL) I studied and collaborated with researchers, data scientists, and software engineers on the development of new knowledge infrastructures, predominantly in the domain of translational science. Combining my training as an ethnographer with my dedication to user-centered design, I aim to make data management policies and workflows legible, useful for, and responsive to the values and practices of social science researchers working across the methodological spectrum.

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