Nazzareno Diodato

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Dr Nazzareno Diodato

Member since: 04/08/2018 - 17:05
Professional title: 
CEO/Managing Director/Chief Executive
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
Natural hazard/climate/GIS
Organization name: 
Met European Research Observatory
Organization type: 

Short Bio

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Nazzareno Diodato was born in Benevento, Italy in 1966 and was educated at the University of Naples "Federico II" where he received five years of education. Thereafter he conducted postgraduate studies at the UCAR - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, and Environmental Protection Agency (USA). Subsequently, Diodato has a progressively successful work in geosciences at the Met European Research Observatory (MetEROBS), an accredited HyMex – Global Energy and Water cycle Experiment – supersite, awarded in 2011 as Laureate by the ComputerWorld Honors Program. Diodato’s career in the earth science includes exploration work in the environmental monitoring and related-climatological activities. In this way, he has made groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of the world’s hydrosphere and geosphere, and why this knowledge matters for the natural hazard. Afterwards, Diodato was a committee member for 15 years on the Commission on Ecosystem Management of the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Recently, he was awarded Fellow by Royal Meteorological Society as a statement of the professional standing in meteorology. His research is documented by about 100 internationally peer-reviewed papers and two books, plus conference papers ranging over a variety of domains in environmental science.

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