Geoffrey Fox

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Prof Geoffrey Fox

Member since: 08/12/2013 - 00:41
Professional title: 
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
Computer Science
Organization name: 
Indiana University
Organization type: 
United States

Short Bio

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Fox received a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Cambridge University and is now distinguished professor of Informatics and Computing, and Physics at Indiana University where he is director of the Community Grids Laboratory and Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies at the School of Informatics and Computing. He previously held positions at Caltech, Syracuse University and Florida State University. He has supervised the PhD of 65 students and published around 1000 papers in physics and computer science with an hindex of 67 and over 23000 citations. He currently works in applying computer science to Bioinformatics, Sensor Clouds, Earthquake and Ice-sheet Science, and Particle Physics. He is principal investigator of FutureGrid – a facility to enable development of new approaches to computing. He is involved in several projects to enhance the capabilities of Minority Serving Institutions including the eHumanity portal. He has experience in online education and its use in MOOC’s for areas like Data and Computational Science. He is a Fellow of APS and ACM.

19/09/2014 - 14:25 TelCon, second attempt
19/09/2014 - 14:10 TelCon, second attempt
15/09/2014 - 13:45 TelCon, second attempt

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