Please note: This page has been superseded by the Recommendations and Outputs catalogue and is not being kept up-to-date anymore
RDA Endorsed Recommendations:
RDA Recommendations are the official, endorsed results of RDA and considered our “flagship” Outputs.
Recommendation Title |
Group |
Impact |
Recommendation Card |
Scalable Dynamic-data Citation Methodology doi: 10.15497/RDA00016 |
Supporting accurate citation of data subjected to change, for the efficient processing of data and linking from publications. |
Data Description Registry Interoperability Model doi: 10.15497/RDA00003 |
Provides researchers a mechanism to connect datasets in various data repositories based on various models such as co-authorship, joint funding, grants, etc. |
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Basic Vocabulary of Foundational Terminology Query Tool doi: 10.15497/06825049-8CA4-40BD-BCAF-DE9F0EA2FADF
Ensures researchers apply a common core data model when organising their data and thus making data accessible and re-usable |
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Ensures data producers classify their data sets in standard data types, allowing data users to automatically identify instruments to process and visualise the data |
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FAIRsharing: standards, databases, repositories and policies - Final Recommendation
doi: 10.15497/RDA00030 |
FAIRSharing Registry: connecting data policies, standards & databases WG |
The FAIRSharing set of recommendations are designed to guide users and producers of databases and content standards to select and describe them, or recommend them in data policies. The group has also developed a curated registry, which enacts the recommendations and assists a variety of end users, through the provision of well described, interlinked, and cross-searchable records on content standards, databases and data policies. |
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Persistent Identifier Type Registry |
Defines standard core PID information types to enable simplified verification of data identity and integrity |
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Recommendation on PID Kernel Information doi: 10.15497/rda00031 |
PID Kernel Information Working Group | A set of guiding principles, architectural considerations, use cases and a fundamental metadata schema to manage information in Persistent Identifier records for scalable middleware infrastructure and automated processes | ![]() |
Machine Actionable Policy Templates |
Can be used to enforce management, automate administrative tasks, validate assessment criteria, and automate scientific analyses |
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A curriculum for foundational Research Data Science skills for Early Career Researchers doi: 10.15497/RDA00038 |
RDA/CODATA Summer Schools in Data Science and Cloud Computing in the Developing World Working Group | This recommendation describes the curriculum and example materials to give Early Career Researchers (ECR’s) the foundational skills in Data Science to work with their data. This curriculum combines technical skills, such as Software Carpentry with responsible research practices such as Open and Responsible Research. | |
An open, universal literature-data cross-linking service doi: 10.15497/RDA00002 |
RDA/WDS Publishing Data Services Working Group |
Improves visibility, discoverability, re-use and reproducibility by bringing existing article/data links together, normalize them using a common schema, and expose the full set as an open service External Services using the cross-linking service: The Scholix initiative, a high level interoperability framework for exchanging information about the links between scholarly literature and data. The DLI Service,the first exemplar aggregation and query service fed by the Scholix open information ecosystem. |
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Workflows for Research Data Publishing: Models and Key Components doi: 10.15497/RDA00004 |
Assists research communities in understanding options for data publishing workflows and increases awareness of emerging standards and best practices. |
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Repository Audit and Certification Catalogues dois: 10.17026/dans-22n-gk35 and 10.15497/rda00019 |
Repository Audit and Certification / DSA–WDS Partnership Working Group |
Creates harmonized Common Procedures for certification of repositories at the basic level, drawing from the procedures already put in place by the Data Seal of Approval (DSA) and the ICSU World Data System (ICSU-WDS) |
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Recommendation on Research Data Collections doi: 10.15497/RDA00022 |
Research Data Collections WG |
Provides a comprehensive model for actionable collections and a technical interface specification to enable client-server interaction for research data collections. |
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RDA/TDWG Attribution Metadata Working Group: Final Recommendations doi: 10.15497/RDA00029 |
RDA / TDWG Metadata Standards for attribution of physical and digital collections stewardship WG |
Supports standardized metadata for attributing work and tracking provenance in the curation and maintenance of research collections. |
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Research Data Repository Interoperability WG Final Recommendations doi: 10.15497/RDA00025 |
This output provides recommendations with respect to an interoperable packaging and exchange format for digital content. Once implemented, compliant packages can be used to migrate or replicate digital content between research data repository platforms or for preservation purposes |
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RDA/TDWG Attribution Metadata Working Group: Final Recommendations doi: 10.15497/RDA00029 |
RDA / TDWG Metadata Standards for attribution of physical and digital collections stewardship WG |
Supports standardized metadata for attributing work and tracking provenance in the curation and maintenance of research collections. |
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Wheat Data Interoperability Guidelines, Ontologies and User Cases doi: 10.15497/RDA00018 |
Helps researchers create, manage and exchange wheat data. |
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Recommendations with RDA Endorsement in Process:
Recommendation Title |
Group |
Impact |
Recommendation Card |
RDA DMP Common Standard for Machine-actionable Data Management Plans DOI: 10.15497/rda00039 |
DMP Common Standards WG | Allows representing Data Management Plans in a machine-actionable way, to enable exchange of information between systems acting on behalf of stakeholders involved in the research life cycle, such as, researchers, funders, repository managers, ICT operators, data stewards, etc. It also helps in automating typical data management tasks, thus contributes to a reduction of workload imposed on the stakeholders. | |
39 Hints To Facilitate The Use Of Semantics For Data On Agriculture And Nutrition DOI: 10.15497/rda00036 |
Agrisemantics WG | The document contains a number of highlights on issues to be addressed in order to make the use of semantics more straightforward and widespread. We expect the document to help share awareness about semantics among experts in different areas (eg, SW development, data curation, policy makers) and support strategic allocation of resources in future development. | |
Sustainable Business Models for Brokering Middleware to support Research Interoperability |
Discusses the strengths and weakness of five classes of business models in the context of long-term sustainment of brokering middleware |
Enables discovery of metadata standards for documenting research data, regardless of academic discipline, and addresses issues related to coverage, ease of maintenance and sustainability. |
Framework for Summer Schools in Data Science and Cloud Computing |
RDA/CODATA Summer Schools in Data Science and Cloud Computing in the Developing World Working Group |
A framework to run a series of Summer Schools in Data Science and data sharing in low and middle income countries (LMICs). |
FAIR Data Maturity Model: Specification And Guidelines doi: 10.15497/RDA00045 |
This document describes a maturity model for FAIR assessment with assessment indicators, priorities and evaluation methods. This is useful for the normalisation of assessment approaches to enable comparison of their results. |
RDA Supporting Outputs
Supporting Outputs are useful solutions from our RDA Working and Interest Groups, but may not be as clearly adoptable by organisations as our RDA Recommendations.
Supporting Output Title |
Group |
Impact |
Recommendation Card |
23 Things: Libraries For Research Data dois for the 11 documents listed on this page |
An overview by of practical, free, online resources and tools that users can immediately take advantage of to incorporate research data management into the practice of librarianship.
Available in 11 languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish). |
Data Discovery Paradigms Interest Group |
We examined the practices that data repositories employ in helping users search their holdings and common data discovery issues, such as relevancy. We find that repositories desire guidelines for improving relevancy ranking, with small repositories having the greatest need. Repositories often lack the resources (time and/or expertise) to explore and evaluate the available options. There is an opportunity for people working in the search space to collaborate, through initiatives similar to TREC and the bioCADDIE 2016 Dataset Retrieval Challenge, to build test collections and other efforts that offer the greatest improvements in search services at the lowest cost. |
Addressing the Gaps: Recommendations for Supporting the Long Tail of Research Data doi: 10.15497/RDA00023 |
This document provides seven recommendations for a variety of stakeholders, including governments, funders, research institutions and researchers to help improve the current approach to managing long tail data.
Data Discovery Paradigms: User Requirements and Recommendations for Data Repositories |
This work can help data repositories improve search and discovery of their data. It focuses on enabling and improving the methods and tools by which users find data in these repositories. Recommendations can be used as guidelines or as a reference for developers, project and product managers at data repositories, as well as researchers who are involved in developing and improving data repositories, community platforms, or interfaces to data collections. |
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Developing a Research Data Policy Framework for All Journals and Publishers doi: 10.5334/dsj-2020-005 |
Data Policy Standardisation and Implementation Interest Group | Defines and describes 14 features of journal research data policies and arranges these into a set of six standard policy types or tiers, which can be adopted by journals and publishers to promote data sharing in a way that encourages good practice and is appropriate for their audience's perceived needs. | ![]() |
Eleven Quick Tips for Finding Research Data doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006038 This is the published and updated version of the "Ten Quick Tips for Finding Research Data". |
Data Discovery Paradigms Interest Group | Can be used to educate and train research students and early career researchers, and to help researchers more effectively and precisely discover data that meets their specific needs. | |
Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook doi: 10.11647/OBP.0185 |
Provides examples of 24 innovative, searchable and re-usable case studies on how institutions can effectively engage with researchers about research data. | ||
Income Streams for Data Repositories doi: 10.5281/zenodo.46693 |
RDA/WDS Publishing Data Cost Recovery for Data Centres Interest Group |
Data Centre managers and Research Infrastructures will gain a valuable insight into alternative options for cost recovery, substantiated by the results from a survey of over twenty data centres around the globe, and in different domains. Other stakeholders, including the users of data repositories and research performing organisations are also likely to value a transparent consideration of income streams and business models that can help maintain data infrastructure on a sustainable footing. |
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Legal Interoperability of Research Data: Principles and Implementation Guidelines |
A set of principles and practical implementation guidelines offered as high-level guidance to all members of the research community who are engaged in activities that involve the access to and reuse of research data from diverse sources. The Principles are synergistic, so their greatest benefit is realized when they are considered together.
Matrix of use cases and functional requirements for research data repository platforms |
Based on use cases, the matrix describes forty-four functional requirements identified for research data repository platforms and provides a score identifying relative importance. These functional requirement scores can be used to assess research data repository platforms and to prioritize functional requirements for development and adoption. |
Persistent identifiers: Consolidated assertions doi: 10.15497/RDA00027 |
Research Data Repository Interoperability Primer doi: 10.15497/RDA00020 |
Presents a set of initial use cases, as well as an overview of standards, technologies and tools that could be components of an agreed adoptable approach to facilitating interoperability between different research data repository platforms. Main focus is on machine-machine communication with the primary goal of enabling migration and replication. |
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Results of an Analysis of Existing FAIR Assessment Tools doi: 10.15497/RDA00035 |
This document provides an overview of a number of existing FAIR assessment tools, listing the indicators used in these tools to assess the FAIRness of a data set. This is useful if you wish to compare existing FAIR assessment tools and the questions that are being asked. | ||
Summary of Virtual Layer Recommendations doi: 10.15497/RDA00026 |
Provides a high-level conceptual framework to support Digital Object management and service development. |
Provides 17 topic-based, community submitted brief guides that can be used by the research community to understand how they can make their research (data and software) more FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). |
WDS/RDA Assessment Of Data Fitness For Use WG Outputs And Recommendations DOI: 10.15497/rda00034 |
WDS/RDA Assessment of Data Fitness for Use WG | A practical process by which CoreTrustSeal certified repositories can evaluate dataset holding for their fitness for use. | |