RDA P17 Announcements: upcoming webinars, call for co-located events and more
RDA's 17th Plenary Meeting will take place on 20-22 April 2021. The Plenary is currently scheduled as a hybrid event, with a physical component at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre and enhanced virtual participation.
Call for co-located events
The call for co-located events for RDA P17 is now open! If you or your colleagues are interested in organizing a specific open science or research data related event in the near future, you may want to consider co-locating it before or after the RDA 17th Plenary meeting (P17).
The deadline for submissions is 12 February 2021. The Programme Committee will review all submissions and send out notifications of acceptance by 26 February 2021. For more information and to find out how to submit your application please visit https://www.rd-alliance.org/rdas-17th-plenary-call-co-located-events.
If you have additional questions or need more information about submitting your request for a co-located event, please contact enquiries@rd-alliance.org.
Webinar: What is RDA and Why Should I Attend Plenary 17?
Join us on the 26th of October, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM UTC to learn more about RDA and why you should attend P17!
Speakers include Hilary Hanahoe (RDA Secretary General), Kevin Ashley (DCC), Juan-Bicarregui (STFC), Christopher Brown (Jisc) and Sarah Jones (GÉANT).
Register now! https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2430363111146029836
The recording of the webinar will be available after the event. More webinars will be announced in the coming weeks!
Call for sessions
The call for sessions for RDA's 17th Plenary will open on 29 October 2020, with a deadline for submissions on 12 January 2021, and notifications scheduled for 12 February 2021. Watch this space for more news in the coming weeks!