Policy, Legal Compliance, and Capacity

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Matrix of use cases and functional requirements for research data repository platforms

By Stefan Kramer

The matrix describes the functional requirements identified for research data repository platforms. The functional requirements are based on eleven use cases that describe their requirements for digital repository platforms. The matrix provides a description for forty-four requirements and, for each one, provides a functional requirement score that is based on the use cases. Functional requirements of greater importance are identified with higher functional requirement scores. The functional requirement scores can be used to assess research data repository platforms and to prioritize functional requirements for development and adoption.


Repository Audit and Certification DSA–WDS Partnership WG Recommendations

By Rorie Edmunds

The Catalogue of Common Procedures was developed by the DSA–WDS Partnership Working Group on Repository Audit and Certification, a Working Group (WG) of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) . The goal of the effort was to create a set of harmonized Common Procedures for certification of repositories at the basic level, drawing from the procedures already put in place by the Data Seal of Approval (DSA) and the ICSU World Data System (ICSU­-WDS). These procedures are intended to support the implementation of the Catalogue of Common Requirements developed by the WG to harmonize the certification criteria previously established by the DSA and ICSU-­WDS.
