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RDA COVID-19 Guidelines and Recommendations (draft versions)

By Hilary Hanahoe

Please note:  this is the landing page for the 5 draft versions of the RDA COVID-19 Working Group Recommendations and Guidelines on Data Sharing. These materials are made available following the RDA guiding principle of openness, to allow members and the wider community to view the progression of the document as well as comments received during the 5 review cycles. 

The final version of the document can be found:


A curriculum for foundational Research Data Science skills for Early Career Researchers

By Daniel Bangert

This recommendation describes the curriculum and example materials to give Early Career Researchers (ECR’s) the foundational skills in Data Science to work with their data. This curriculum combines technical skills, such as Software Carpentry with responsible research practices such as Open and Responsible Research.


The FAIRsharing Registry and Recommendations: Interlinking Standards, Databases and Data Policies

By Hilary Hanahoe

This document describes the outputs of a joint RDA-Force11 FAIRsharing WG: the FAIRsharing resource of interlinked records on standards (for identifying, reporting, citing data and metadata), databases (repositories and knowledge-bases) and data policies (from journals, publishers, funders and other organizations), ranging from the generic and multi-disciplinary, to those from specific domains. The FAIRsharing recommendations, to guide the users and producers of standards, databases and repositories on how to best select and describe these resources; and to guide funders and publishers on how to recommend them in data policies. These outputs are tightly bound together as the registry enacts the recommendations, through the provision of well-described and interlinked records, which are curated and maintained with the support and input of the producers of these resources.


Income Streams for Data Repositories

By Stefanie Kethers

Basic funding of data infrastructure may not keep pace with increasing costs. There is a need, therefore, to consider alternative cost recovery options and a diversification of revenue streams. In short: who will pay for public access to research data? The RDA/WDS Interest Group Publishing Data Cost Recovery for Data Centres aims to contribute to strategic thinking on cost recovery by conducting research to understand current and possible cost recovery strategies for data centres.
