Pending submission

13 Feb 2024

Community-based catalogue of requirements for trustworthy Technical Repository Service Providers Working Group (TRSPs WG)

Pending submission

The Community-based catalogue of requirements for trustworthy Technical Repository Service Providers Working Group (TRSPs WG) will address a significant need in the community of data repositories and associated services worldwide: how to extend the umbrella of trust, as exemplified by formal certification authorities such as ISO and CoreTrustSeal, to a wider group. The working group will focus on three aspects of extension:

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08 Feb 2024

Building Immune Digital Twins WG

Pending submission

Digital twins, customized simulation models pioneered in industry, are beginning to gain ground in medicine and healthcare, with some major successes in cardiovascular diagnostics and insulin pump control. Personalized computational models are also assisting in applications ranging from drug development to patient-tailored treatment optimization. Advanced medical digital twins will be essential to making personalized medicine a reality.

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26 Oct 2023

Publisher Guidance for Availability Statements in Scholarly Publications WG

Pending submission

The RDA Scholarly Publishing community is interested in developing guidelines for Availability Statements for digital objects, specifically data. In short, Availability Statements in scholarly publications could be more structured and FAIR. Through this work we will review the status of current guidance, what authors are providing, and the gap with desired outcomes. The desired outcome is a recommendation on guidelines for  journals, authors, publishing staff, editors, peer-reviewers, standards, and machine readable infrastructure.

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22 Oct 2023

Improving Earth and Environmental Sciences Data

Pending submission

The Improving Earth and Environmental Sciences Data evolves from the RDA/ESIP Earth, Space, and Environmental Science Interest Group. 

We are currently developing our "agreement" statement.  

The chairs have not been decided yet.  

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