status: Recognised & Endorsed

Chair (s): Helena Cousijn, Paolo Manghi, Rachael Lammey

Group Email: [group_email]

Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]

RDA WDS Scholarly Link Exchange (Scholix) WG 


As of October 2023, the work of the Scholix WG is being combined with the [Open Science Graphs Interest Group (OSG IG)]( The goal of the Open Science Graphs Interest Group (OSG IG) is to build on the outcomes and broaden the challenges of the Data Description Registry Interoperability (DDRI) and Scholarly Link Exchange (Scholix) RDA Working Groups to investigate the open issues and identify solutions towards achieving interoperability between services and information models of Open Science Graph initiatives. Please sign up to the [OSG IG]( to participate in ongoing discussions about the continued evolution and development of Scholix. 

This WG is the follow up from the: RDA/WDS Publishing Data Services WG

The Scholarly Link Exchange Working group aims to enable a comprehensive global view of the links between scholarly literature and data.  The working group will leverage existing work and international initiatives to work towards a global information commons by establishing:

  • Pathfinder services and enabling infrastructure
  • An interoperability framework with guidelines and standards (see also
  • A significant consensus
  • Support for communities of practice and implementation

By the end of this 18 month WG period there will be:

  • A critical mass of Scholix conformant hubs providing the enabling infrastructure for a global view of data-literature links
  • Pathfinder services providing aggregations, query services, and analyses
  • Beneficiaries of these services accessing data-literature link information to add value to scholarly journal sites, data centre portals, research impact services, research discovery services, research management software, etc.
  • Operational workflows to populate the infrastructure with data-literature links
  • Better understanding of current data-literature interlinking landscape viewed from the perspective of e.g. disciplines, publishers, repositories etc.

The working group follows on from the RDA/WDS Publishing Data Services WG,  The original working group established demonstrator services enabling infrastructure.  The follow on working group will support the “hardening” of that infrastructure and services as well as an increase in the number of participating hubs and services. The original working group established an interoperability framework. The follow on group will provide further specification, documentation and profiling of that framework to support adoption by link contributors and consumers.  The original working group established a consensus among large infrastructure providers and early adopters; the follow up group will extend that consensus to the next stage of adopters and to a more diverse set of infrastructure providers.  The original working group harnessed the energy and interest of specialists; the follow up group will provide support for a number of communities and services as they implement and adopt the framework and vision established in the original group.


How to participate:


As of October 2023, the work of the Scholix WG is being combined with the [Open Science Graphs Interest Group (OSG IG)]( The goal of the Open Science Graphs Interest Group (OSG IG) is to build on the outcomes and broaden the challenges of the Data Description Registry Interoperability (DDRI) and Scholarly Link Exchange (Scholix) RDA Working Groups to investigate the open issues and identify solutions towards achieving interoperability between services and information models of Open Science Graph initiatives. Please sign up to the [OSG IG]( to participate in ongoing discussions about the continued evolution and development of Scholix. 


Shared files are stored in the following folder: RDA-WDS Publishing Data Services

  1. This folder can viewed by anyone, but can only be accessed for editing by WG members via their Google account.
  2. Members can view or add comments to existing files in this folder and create new ones.
  3. Members can create new subfolders and organize files by using the 'Open in Drive' button at the top right


Working group is now focused on adoption and implementation, following the final recommendations

Plenary participation


Article/data linking is not the whole story: Launching a new Scholix schema for software to meet community practice

  • Background on / history of the development of the Scholix schema

  • Announcement of new schema version


Insights on data linking & progressing Scholix for software

  • Background on / history of the development of the Scholix schema

  • Motivations for adding software

  • A first draft of the modified schema
