
Chair (s): Larry Lannom, Rainer Stotzka

Group Email: [group_email]

Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]


Meeting minutes:

Presentation slides:


Working Group Collaboration Meeting Karlsruhe
June 11 – 12, 2015

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 
Kaiserstraße 12
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Campus Süd, 
Präsidiumsgebäude 11.30, Senatssaal

For directions and map see, Campus South

This is a continuation of a working meeting series that was started in Garching in February 2014 and in Gaithersburg in November 2014. 
The objective is to have focused discussion among participants:  something which has proved elusive at the packed RDA Plenary meetings, and to generate discussion on how coordination amongst WGs can achieve
more coherence and can improve overall RDA outputs. 
The foci of the June meeting will be on 
  • interaction between the Data Fabric and Data Publishing coordination groups and their related WGs and IGs
  • facilitate adoption questions from amongst IG attendees 
  • build connections between the technically oriented data provisioning and data consumer groups, and social/policy oriented data provisioning and data consumer groups
This format will allow for a detailed update from the next wave of working group outputs:  those of RDA/WDS Data Publishing coordination group.  Additionally, each participant will be invited to update on the current status of the represented group(s) in relation to the above topics.
Note that RDA/US has limited funding to support U.S. participant travel to these meetings. Contact Larry Lannom ( to request support.
Preliminary agenda (open for discussion):
June 11, 2015
13:00 Welcome Doris Wedlich
13:15 Organization of the Workshop, set the agenda Rainer Stotzka
13:30 WG Data Citation Andreas Rauber
13:55 WG Data Type Registries Larry Lannom
14:20 WG/IG PID Information Types Tobias Weigel
14:45 WG Metadata Standards Directory Rebecca Koskela
15:10 Break  
15:40 Discussion  
16:10 IG Data Fabric Raphael Ritz                               
16:40 RDA/WDS Publishing Groups Sarah Callaghan
17:10 IG Data Publishing Sarah?
17:30 Open Discussion                                                                                             
19:30 Dinner (self paid)
Hotel-Restaurant Hoepfner Burghof, Haid-und-Neu-Straße 18,
76131 Karlsruhe,
"A touch of Cinderella in
June 12, 2015
09:00 IG Marine Data Harmonization                            Helen Glaves
09:20 IG ELIXIR Bridging Force Rob Hoft
09:40 IG Data Foundation and Terminology Gary Berg-Cross, Raphael Ritz
10:00 WG RDA/CODATA Summer Schools in Data
Science and Cloud Computing in the Developing World
Hugh Shanahan
10:30 Break  
Discussion: “Sharing RDA visions”
What needs to be done next?
How does RDA shape the research data world in the future (5-10a)?

Larry Lannom

12:30 Lunch  
13:30 Final thoughts: 4th Working Group Collaboration Meeting Larry Lannom, Rainer Stotzka
14:00 End  
Registered participants (June 2, 2015):
Ajinkya Prabhune
Andreas Rauber
Andrew Treloar
Beth Plale
Chuang Liu 
Danah Tonne
Doris Wedlich
Francoise Genova
Gary Berg-Cross
Helen Glaves
Herman Stehouwer
Hugh Shanahan
Kathleen Fontaine
Larry Lannom
Mark Parsons
Peter Fox
Rainer Stotzka
Raphael Ritz
Rebecca Koskela
Rob Hooft
Ruixiang Shi
Sarah Callaghan
Saskia Baier
Simon Cox
Tobias Weigel



A block of guest rooms are available at a rate of ~70 EUR until May 15, code: “KIT”.
Hotel Eden
Bahnhofstraße 15, 
76137 Karlsruhe
+49 721 18180
Hotel Elite
76137 Karlsruhe
+49 721 828090
Renaissance Hotel Karlsruhe (Marriott)
76131 Karlsruhe
+49 721-37170
(please contact Saskia Baier <> for pre-reserved rooms)



Meeting location

by Rainer Stotzka

Dear Chairs, Please find attached a map with the location of our meeting in Grid Square F7. Cheers RAiner KIT >>>>>> Dr. Rainer Stotzka <<<<<<<<<< KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Institute for Data Processing and Electronics Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen Germany fon: +49 721 608 2 4738 fax: +49 721 608 2 3560 email: ***@***.***
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Preparation Karlsruhe meeting

by Rainer Stotzka

Dear Colleagues, Pleas find a new agenda proposal for the next week’s meeting in Karlsruhe: For the dinner (self-paid) at Thursday evening I would like to ask all registered participants to send a short note if the plan NOT to attend. For the preparation of the meeting and discussions I am forwarding a note (see below) from
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Re: RDA Collaboration meeting on 11 and 12 June Karlsruhe

by Mustapha Mokrane

Dear Rainer, Larry and all, Eefke Smit, Co-chair of the RDA-WDS Publishing Data IG, sent the email below to you regarding the Karlsruhe on 11 and 12 June. For some technical reason the TO field was completely messed up and you never received it and she never received a reply. She was not able to register for the event because she is not subscribed (done now) to the group page on the RDA page and did not receive any of the recent communications and reminders. After our discussion in San Diego, I made every efforts to encourage the WG
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Preliminary agenda

by Rainer Stotzka

Dear RDA Group Chairs, Please find the preliminary agenda of the 3rd Working Group Collaboration Meeting, Karlsruhe, June 11 - 12, 2015, at Kind regards, RAiner   June 11, 2015
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RDA Working Group Collaboration Meeting, June 11-12

by Rainer Stotzka

Invitation: RDA Working Group Collaboration Meeting Karlsruhe June 11 – 12, 2015
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