status: Completed

Chair (s): Larry Lannom

Group Email: [group_email]

Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]

The second Working Group Collaboration Meeting was held in the U.S. Nov 13-14 at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD, which is just north of Washington, DC.

This was a continuation of the meeting series that started in Garching last February. The objective of these meetings is to have a detailed update from and focused discussion among WGs, something which has proved elusive at the packed Plenary meetings, and to generate discussion on how the WGs can work together to improve overall RDA outputs. The next of these meetings will be coordinated by Rainer Stotzka and held at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology next June 11-12.

The focus of the November meeting was metadata. We had a detailed update from the RDA metadata leaders and each participating WG was invited to update the others on their current status and prospects as well as relate their work to RDA metadata efforts. Final schedule, all presentations, and rough notes are now available on the wiki page for this group.


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