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02 Mar 2020

RDA Ireland Spotlights

Implementing good research data management practices and Open Science guidelines requires effort at grass-roots, engaging researchers and research performing organisations but also at national level, policy makers working with funders and key organisations informing these policies. 

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What’s so funny ‘bout PECE, TAF, and data sharing?
20 Sep 2019

What’s so funny ‘bout PECE, TAF, and data sharing?

In this article lead by Mike Fortun and Kim Fortun, the authors discuss four different ways they are involved in and with collaborative projects. The Digital Practices in History and Ethnography Interest Group (DPHE-IG) they organized within the Research Data Alliance (RDA) is mentioned as part of these discussions.

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RDA and the Humanities - a report from the RDA Europe Ambassador for the Humanities
30 Jul 2019

RDA and the Humanities - a report from the RDA Europe Ambassador for the Humanities

The goal of this report is to provide a broad overview of the way the Research Data Alliance (RDA) and the humanities as an academic discipline can be of value to each other. The intended audience for this report in the first instance are digital humanities researchers and service providers in the humanities domain. By providing basic relevant information on the RDA for this target group it is foreseen that they can benefit from the output of the RDA and increase their involvement in RDA activities.

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RDA Europe and Industry
04 Mar 2019

RDA Europe and Industry

The RDA Europe Industry Advisory Board (RDA IAB), conducted a series of interviews with private sector representatives. The interviews focused in four areas: the role of data in the companies’ activity, the recurring problems that the companies encounter in this scenario, the initiatives to solve these recurring problems, and the opportunities for academia and industry to collaborate in their mutual benefit. The conclusions of this survey are reported and explained.

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OECD & WDS Policy Paper on Co-ordination and support of international research data networks
20 Dec 2017

OECD & WDS Policy Paper on Co-ordination and support of international research data networks

International research data networks are critical for progress in many scientific domains and underpin efforts to promote Open Science. At the same time, many of these networks are fragile and the responsibilities for their support and performance are frequently distributed across a variety of different actors. This report explores the challenges and enablers for the effective functioning of international research data networks. It analyses the diversity and complexity of these networks, and issues such as governance and funding, in a selection of 32 cases.

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