Guidelines for publishing structured metadata on the Web (v2.0 20210416)


Guidelines for publishing structured metadata on the Web (v2.0 20210416)

By Mingfang Wu

This is the draft version of the final report, post it here for group members' feedback before submit it and go through the RDA process.

Output Status: 
Other Outputs (Not official)
Review period start: 
Friday, 16 April, 2021 to Sunday, 16 May, 2021
Group content visibility: 
Use group defaults
Primary WG Focus / Output focus: 
Domain Agnostic: 
Domain Agnostic
  • Siri Jodha Khalsa's picture

    Author: Siri Jodha Khalsa

    Date: 16 Apr, 2021

    excellent infographic.

    rec 6: "Organise the sitemaps for increasing the chance of being crawled" -> "Organise the sitemaps to increase the chance of being crawled"

    see attached for suggested rewrite of exec summary (language is a bit tortured as is)

    File Executive Summary.docx22.45 KB

  • Mingfang Wu's picture

    Author: Mingfang Wu

    Date: 15 Jun, 2021

    Hi SiriJodha,

    Thanks for your feedback. We have updated the guidelines with your suggested edits.

    Kind regards


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