Summary of the catch-up meeting Sep 22, 2023

29 Sep 2023

Dear Colleagues,

I hope this email finds you well. I want to provide a comprehensive overview of the key discussions and decisions made during our meeting. Please note that this summary is not exhaustive, and I encourage you to refer to the complete meeting minutes for more information.


Introduction of New Members: We welcomed the new members from the RDA Scholix WG, and they briefly presented their work and outputs. We look forward to their valuable contributions to our projects.


Roadmap for Early Adopters: We discussed the roadmap for early adopters, specifically focusing on OpenAIRE, Datacite, and other relevant projects. It is important for us to align our efforts and collaborate towards the successful adoption of our initiatives. On this matter, In the past, we have started the definition of crosswalks from local data models to the SKG-IF. Sharing such crosswalks will play a crucial role in our data exchange processes in terms of reuse and transparency.


Roadmap for Adoption in Projects: We reviewed and discussed the roadmap for adoption in projects such as FAIRCORE4EOSC, GraspOS, and Scilake. It is crucial for us to align our efforts and ensure seamless integration with these projects.


Task Force 3 - SKG-IF Access Protocol Commons: we discussed the bulk export of a zip archive with records as a bare minimum requirement for interoperability and optional means of exchange. On this part, we must conduct an analysis of (de facto) standard protocols and approaches for exchanging SKG data.


Task Force 4 - SKG-IF Data Exchange Commons - 2nd Iteration

  • Based on feedback received, we discussed the extension and revision of the Core Information Model. Specifically, we focused on incorporating information related to
    • trust
    • provenance
    • annotations
    • research evaluation assessment practices
    • language field for titles and abstracts
    • versioning. In this respect, we must provide the necessary tools to ensure the evolution of the IF guidelines follows a transparent backlog/task process.
  • We must decide how to model relationships between entities, and we have two possible options (or both):
    • Embedded: A dataset of records for each entity type, where records embed relationships to other records
    • Separated: A dataset of records for each entity type, where records do not include relationships; and a dataset of relationships in Scholix format.


Any Other Business: We mentioned the need to resume the October discussion with Keith Jeoffrey about the RDA plenary.

Please take the time to review the references and links provided, including the publication that cited our work and the SKG-IF documentation.

Thank you all for your active participation and valuable insights during the meeting. Let's continue working together to achieve our goals. If you have any additional points or suggestions, please feel free to share them.


Best regards,

Andrea and Paolo