RDA's 14th plenary: Adding a bit of GLAM to TRUSTworthiness: Certification Beyond Domain Repositories

15 Aug 2019

Dear Interest Group members,

Congratulations! Your session application Adding a bit of GLAM to TRUSTworthiness: Certification Beyond Domain Repositories has been approved.  

Your session is scheduled to take place during Breakout 6 on Day 3 of the Plenary. You can view your session in the online programme at https://www.rd-alliance.org/rda-14th-plenary-programme. Your session links to your specific meeting web page, which includes the information you provided at the time of your meeting submission. It will also include your meeting location and remote access information when that information becomes available.  Please be sure to keep this page up to date with any changes to your agenda and meeting plans (note, only the chair who submitted the session proposal will have access to edit this page). 

We look forward to seeing you in Helsinki!


RDA Secretariat