Data Publication Services Working Group: Draft Case Statement

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13 Sep 2013

Data Publication Services Working Group: Draft Case Statement

Dear RDA Members, 

I am delighted to share with you the draft Data Publication Services Case Statement from the RDA-WDS Interest Group on Publishing Data , which we have crafted over the last couple of months.

In short, the scope of the working group is to address processes, workflows, and solutions that currently exist (mostly as bilateral agreements) between individual parties within the data publication landscape, and investigate how these can be lifted to one-for-all services – with an aim to increase interoperability, decrease systemic inefficiencies, and power new tools and functionalities to the benefit of researchers.

We will be presenting and discussing this document at the upcoming RDA Second Plenary Meeting in Washington on Tuesday afternoon. Your feedback, either at RDA, through email, or otherwise, will be welcome. In particular, do reach out to us if you are aware of existing workflows that we should be looking at or if you know of other working groups with a related scope.

The document can be accessed online here (open for comments), on RDA file depot here and is attached to this post.

Thanks, and kind regards,

Dr. Hylke Koers
Content Innovation Manager
Journal & Content Technology | STM Journals | Elsevier
Radarweg 29 | 1043 NX | Amsterdam | The Netherlands
Tel.: +31 20 485 3816 |

[On Behalf of Dr. Hylke Koers]

Mustapha Mokrane, PhD. | Executive Director
World Data System-International Programme Office
c/o NICT, 4-2-1 Nukui-kitamachi, Koganei, Tokyo 184-8795, Japan
Tel: +81 4 2327 6004 Fax: +81 4 2327 6409  Mob:+81 90 5790 4732
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PDF icon PublishingServicesCaseStatement.pdf188.52 KB