Group details
Status: Recognised & Endorsed Joint RDA/WDS IG
The Publishing Data Interest Group brings together all stakeholders involved in publishing research data including researchers, discipline specific and institutional data repositories, academic publishers, funders and service providers. Every effort will be made to get a good representation from related international programmes, their working groups and other private or institutional activities involved in this area. We will build on existing resources, reports and other shared experiences from the different stakeholders and will nurture more specific and targeted working groups addressing practical aspects in publishing research data. As such, the Publishing Data Interest Group can be regarded as a broad and inclusive forum for interested individuals to contribute to and test, validate and promote the findings of the Working Groups. In particular we plan to address the implementation of workflows for publishing data and therefore help establish appropriate supporting infrastructure.
The following Working Groups operate under the umbrella of the RDA/WDS Publishing Data IG:
- RDA/WDS Publishing Data Services WG
- RDA/WDS Publishing Data Workflows WG
- RDA/WDS Publishing Data Bibliometrics WG
- RDA/WDS Publishing Data Cost Recovery for Data Centres IG
How to participate:
- First, create an account on the RDA website and subscribe to the RDA–WDS Publishing Data Interest Group (click the join group button in the right sidebar)
- Then join the Interest Group Forum:
- You must apply to the WG Co-chairs for membership before having permission to post to the forum (Your membership will be validated by Co-chairs.)
- If you have a Google account, please log in and then click "Apply to Join the Group".
- If you do not have a Google account, click "New Topic" and you will be invited to create one.
- Members can start new topics in the forum by using the 'New Topic' button, or by sending an email to
Shared files are stored in the following folder: RDA-WDS Publishing Data Interest Group
- This folder can viewed by anyone, but can only be accessed for editing by WG members via their Google account.
- Members can view or add comments to existing files in this folder and create new ones.
- Members can create new subfolders and organize files by using the 'Open in Drive' button at the top right.