Minimal metadata concept

01 Aug 2014
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Does this group can a position on the idea of Minimal Metadata?  The idea was brought up at time in the Data Foundations and Terminology (DT) WG. Some thought that we should define a minimal set such as a name and PID for anything managed as a digital object.


  • Keith Jeffery's picture

    Author: Keith Jeffery

    Date: 02 Aug, 2014

    At present MIG dies not have a position on minimal metadata. We are working with use cases and cooperating with MSDWG, DICIG and the Provenance Group to try to determine requirements.
    As a personal opinion I define required metadata as that necessary for the task in hand (very pragmatic!). For me just PID and name does not help much for any substantive data processing. I agree PID and name is a start, but I would wish to add sufficient additional metadata elements for (a) discovery; (b) contextualisation (determining whether the dataset is relevant, appropriate (e.g. in precision, accuracy) for the purpose at hand; (c) processing i.e. detailed, domain-specific metadata such as a schema that software can access and use to self-configure to process the dataset.
    In the (a) discovery category I would cite examples like DC, CAT, eGMS, CKAN, INSPIRE. In the (b) contextualisation category I know only CERIF (Common European research Information Format). In the (c) detailed, domain specific category there are hundreds of examples but they are not generally applicable (across all domains and datasets) since they are domain-specific.
    So, to come back to minimum metadata I believe it needs a unique ID (PID); a name (as a user-understandable handle although computers need ontologies to understand the name); a URL (for the dataset identified and named) and then as much additional metadata as required for the purpose of discovery, contextualisation or processing.
    I stress this is a personal view but perhaps this email will stimulate further discussion within MIG.
    Thanks for raising this issue – I hope this helps!
    Keith G Jeffery Consultants
    Prof Keith G Jeffery
    E: ***@***.***
    T: +44 7768 446088
    S: keithgjeffery
    Past President ERCIM (***@***.***)
    Past President euroCRIS
    Past Vice President VLDB
    Fellow (CITP, CEng) BCS
    Co-chair RDA MIG
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    - Show quoted text -From: gbergcross=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of Gary
    Sent: 01 August 2014 21:06
    To: Metadata IG
    Subject: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    Does this group can a position on the idea of Minimal Metadata? The idea was brought up at time in the Data Foundations and Terminology (DT) WG. Some thought that we should define a minimal set such as a name and PID for anything managed as a digital object.
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  • Herman Stehouwer's picture

    Author: Herman Stehouwer

    Date: 02 Aug, 2014

    Dear Keith,
    I like this small overview.
    Could I use this for a presentation I will be giving on 2 september in

  • Keith Jeffery's picture

    Author: Keith Jeffery

    Date: 02 Aug, 2014

    Herman –
    You are more than welcome to use it; good luck with the presentation!
    Keith G Jeffery Consultants
    Prof Keith G Jeffery
    E: ***@***.***
    T: +44 7768 446088
    S: keithgjeffery
    Past President ERCIM (***@***.***)
    Past President euroCRIS
    Past Vice President VLDB
    Fellow (CITP, CEng) BCS
    Co-chair RDA MIG
    Co-chair RDA MSDWG
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    - Show quoted text -From: herman.stehouwer=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of HermanStehouwer
    Sent: 02 August 2014 11:18
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: Re: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    Dear Keith,
    I like this small overview.
    Could I use this for a presentation I will be giving on 2 september in Nottingham?
    On 02/08/14 09:20, ***@***.*** wrote:
    At present MIG dies not have a position on minimal metadata. We are working with use cases and cooperating with MSDWG, DICIG and the Provenance Group to try to determine requirements.
    As a personal opinion I define required metadata as that necessary for the task in hand (very pragmatic!). For me just PID and name does not help much for any substantive data processing. I agree PID and name is a start, but I would wish to add sufficient additional metadata elements for (a) discovery; (b) contextualisation (determining whether the dataset is relevant, appropriate (e.g. in precision, accuracy) for the purpose at hand; (c) processing i.e. detailed, domain-specific metadata such as a schema that software can access and use to self-configure to process the dataset.
    In the (a) discovery category I would cite examples like DC, CAT, eGMS, CKAN, INSPIRE. In the (b) contextualisation category I know only CERIF (Common European research Information Format). In the (c) detailed, domain specific category there are hundreds of examples but they are not generally applicable (across all domains and datasets) since they are domain-specific.
    So, to come back to minimum metadata I believe it needs a unique ID (PID); a name (as a user-understandable handle although computers need ontologies to understand the name); a URL (for the dataset identified and named) and then as much additional metadata as required for the purpose of discovery, contextualisation or processing.
    I stress this is a personal view but perhaps this email will stimulate further discussion within MIG.
    Thanks for raising this issue – I hope this helps!
    Keith G Jeffery Consultants
    Prof Keith G Jeffery
    E: ***@***.***
    T: +44 7768 446088
    S: keithgjeffery
    Past President ERCIM (***@***.***)
    Past President euroCRIS
    Past Vice President VLDB
    Fellow (CITP, CEng) BCS
    Co-chair RDA MIG
    Co-chair RDA MSDWG
    Co-chair RDA DICIG
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    From: gbergcross=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of Gary
    Sent: 01 August 2014 21:06
    To: Metadata IG
    Subject: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    Does this group can a position on the idea of Minimal Metadata? The idea was brought up at time in the Data Foundations and Terminology (DT) WG. Some thought that we should define a minimal set such as a name and PID for anything managed as a digital object.
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    Dr. ir. Herman Stehouwer
    Rechenzentrum Garching @ Max Planck for Plasmaphysics
    RDA Secretariat
    ***@***.*** 0031-619258815
    Herman –
    You are more than welcome to use it; good luck with the presentation!
    Keith G Jeffery Consultants
    Prof Keith G Jeffery
    E: ***@***.***
    T: +44 7768 446088
    S: keithgjeffery
    Past President ERCIM (***@***.***)
    Past President euroCRIS
    Past Vice President VLDB
    Fellow (CITP, CEng) BCS
    Co-chair RDA MIG
    Co-chair RDA MSDWG
    Co-chair RDA DICIG
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    From: herman.stehouwer=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of HermanStehouwer
    Sent: 02 August 2014 11:18
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: Re: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    Dear Keith,
    I like this small overview.
    Could I use this for a presentation I will be giving on 2 september in Nottingham?
    On 02/08/14 09:20, ***@***.*** wrote:
    At present MIG dies not have a position on minimal metadata. We are working with use cases and cooperating with MSDWG, DICIG and the Provenance Group to try to determine requirements.
    As a personal opinion I define required metadata as that necessary for the task in hand (very pragmatic!). For me just PID and name does not help much for any substantive data processing. I agree PID and name is a start, but I would wish to add sufficient additional metadata elements for (a) discovery; (b) contextualisation (determining whether the dataset is relevant, appropriate (e.g. in precision, accuracy) for the purpose at hand; (c) processing i.e. detailed, domain-specific metadata such as a schema that software can access and use to self-configure to process the dataset.
    In the (a) discovery category I would cite examples like DC, CAT, eGMS, CKAN, INSPIRE. In the (b) contextualisation category I know only CERIF (Common European research Information Format). In the (c) detailed, domain specific category there are hundreds of examples but they are not generally applicable (across all domains and datasets) since they are domain-specific.
    So, to come back to minimum metadata I believe it needs a unique ID (PID); a name (as a user-understandable handle although computers need ontologies to understand the name); a URL (for the dataset identified and named) and then as much additional metadata as required for the purpose of discovery, contextualisation or processing.
    I stress this is a personal view but perhaps this email will stimulate further discussion within MIG.
    Thanks for raising this issue – I hope this helps!
    Keith G Jeffery Consultants
    Prof Keith G Jeffery
    E: ***@***.***
    T: +44 7768 446088
    S: keithgjeffery
    Past President ERCIM (***@***.***)
    Past President euroCRIS
    Past Vice President VLDB
    Fellow (CITP, CEng) BCS
    Co-chair RDA MIG
    Co-chair RDA MSDWG
    Co-chair RDA DICIG
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    - Show quoted text -From: gbergcross=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of Gary
    Sent: 01 August 2014 21:06
    To: Metadata IG
    Subject: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    Does this group can a position on the idea of Minimal Metadata? The idea was brought up at time in the Data Foundations and Terminology (DT) WG. Some thought that we should define a minimal set such as a name and PID for anything managed as a digital object.
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    Dr. ir. Herman Stehouwer
    Rechenzentrum Garching @ Max Planck for Plasmaphysics
    RDA Secretariat
    ***@***.*** 0031-619258815

  • Herman Stehouwer's picture

    Author: Herman Stehouwer

    Date: 02 Aug, 2014

    Thanks Keith.
    I'll be at the osgis conference where I lead the RDA session.
    I am going to tell something about the outcomes from the science workshop.
    One of the clear outcomes is that one must have sufficient metadata, but
    what that is was left a bit vague.
    It is good to fill that in with an informed opinion.

  • Joachim Wackerow's picture

    Author: Joachim Wackerow

    Date: 02 Aug, 2014

    I would suggest to have a look at the latest version of the metadata scheme of DataCite. This could be a good basis for any digital object not just for data.
    DataCite has a couple of minimal (there required) and optional items. These are mainly intended to provide sufficient basic information for a human-readable web page on a data set.
    Furthermore there are a couple of items which can be used by programs to get access to the data or to the related metadata (relatedMetadataScheme). The metadata could be expressed in a domain-specific metadata scheme (like DDI for social science data). This way, a program can use of the basic identification and citation information, and could possibly make use of elaborated domain-specific metadata. The basic metadata should then just comprehend a reference to the domain-specific metadata instance. It is basically a delegation idea.
    DataCite Metadata Schema v 3.0
    XML Schema
    GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
    Department: Monitoring Society and Social Change
    Team: Social Science Metadata Standards
    Visiting address: B2 1, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
    Postal address: P.O. Box 122155, 68072 Mannheim, Germany
    Phone: +49 (0)621 1246 262
    Fax: +49 (0)621 1246 100
    E-mail: ***@***.***
    - Show quoted text -From: gbergcross=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of Gary
    Sent: Freitag, 1. August 2014 22:06
    To: Metadata IG
    Subject: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    Does this group can a position on the idea of Minimal Metadata? The idea was brought up at time in the Data Foundations and Terminology (DT) WG. Some thought that we should define a minimal set such as a name and PID for anything managed as a digital object.
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  • Keith Jeffery's picture

    Author: Keith Jeffery

    Date: 02 Aug, 2014

    Achim –
    Thanks for this; it is more-or-less what I was proposing with the 3-layer model to have discovery, contextual and detailed/domain-specific metadata.
    All require some form of unique ID and some form of address to get to the actual digital object as absolute minimum; an added name assists especially human-readable but – without ontologies – doesn’t help computer readable/understandable access.
    I am keen to collect views – and get maximal discussion to try to get convergence and closure - on this important topic
    Keith G Jeffery Consultants
    Prof Keith G Jeffery
    E: ***@***.***
    T: +44 7768 446088
    S: keithgjeffery
    Past President ERCIM (***@***.***)
    Past President euroCRIS
    Past Vice President VLDB
    Fellow (CITP, CEng) BCS
    Co-chair RDA MIG
    Co-chair RDA MSDWG
    Co-chair RDA DICIG
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    - Show quoted text -From: joachim.wackerow=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of wackerow
    Sent: 02 August 2014 11:57
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: Re: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    I would suggest to have a look at the latest version of the metadata scheme of DataCite. This could be a good basis for any digital object not just for data.
    DataCite has a couple of minimal (there required) and optional items. These are mainly intended to provide sufficient basic information for a human-readable web page on a data set.
    Furthermore there are a couple of items which can be used by programs to get access to the data or to the related metadata (relatedMetadataScheme). The metadata could be expressed in a domain-specific metadata scheme (like DDI for social science data). This way, a program can use of the basic identification and citation information, and could possibly make use of elaborated domain-specific metadata. The basic metadata should then just comprehend a reference to the domain-specific metadata instance. It is basically a delegation idea.
    DataCite Metadata Schema v 3.0
    XML Schema
    GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
    Department: Monitoring Society and Social Change
    Team: Social Science Metadata Standards
    Visiting address: B2 1, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
    Postal address: P.O. Box 122155, 68072 Mannheim, Germany
    Phone: +49 (0)621 1246 262
    Fax: +49 (0)621 1246 100
    E-mail: ***@***.***
    From: gbergcross=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of Gary
    Sent: Freitag, 1. August 2014 22:06
    To: Metadata IG
    Subject: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    Does this group can a position on the idea of Minimal Metadata? The idea was brought up at time in the Data Foundations and Terminology (DT) WG. Some thought that we should define a minimal set such as a name and PID for anything managed as a digital object.
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    Achim –
    Thanks for this; it is more-or-less what I was proposing with the 3-layer model to have discovery, contextual and detailed/domain-specific metadata.
    All require some form of unique ID and some form of address to get to the actual digital object as absolute minimum; an added name assists especially human-readable but – without ontologies – doesn’t help computer readable/understandable access.
    I am keen to collect views – and get maximal discussion to try to get convergence and closure - on this important topic
    Keith G Jeffery Consultants
    Prof Keith G Jeffery
    E: ***@***.***
    T: +44 7768 446088
    S: keithgjeffery
    Past President ERCIM (***@***.***)
    Past President euroCRIS
    Past Vice President VLDB
    Fellow (CITP, CEng) BCS
    Co-chair RDA MIG
    Co-chair RDA MSDWG
    Co-chair RDA DICIG
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    From: joachim.wackerow=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of wackerow
    Sent: 02 August 2014 11:57
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: Re: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    I would suggest to have a look at the latest version of the metadata scheme of DataCite. This could be a good basis for any digital object not just for data.
    DataCite has a couple of minimal (there required) and optional items. These are mainly intended to provide sufficient basic information for a human-readable web page on a data set.
    Furthermore there are a couple of items which can be used by programs to get access to the data or to the related metadata (relatedMetadataScheme). The metadata could be expressed in a domain-specific metadata scheme (like DDI for social science data). This way, a program can use of the basic identification and citation information, and could possibly make use of elaborated domain-specific metadata. The basic metadata should then just comprehend a reference to the domain-specific metadata instance. It is basically a delegation idea.
    DataCite Metadata Schema v 3.0
    XML Schema
    GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
    Department: Monitoring Society and Social Change
    Team: Social Science Metadata Standards
    Visiting address: B2 1, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
    Postal address: P.O. Box 122155, 68072 Mannheim, Germany
    Phone: +49 (0)621 1246 262
    Fax: +49 (0)621 1246 100
    E-mail: ***@***.***
    - Show quoted text -From: gbergcross=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of Gary
    Sent: Freitag, 1. August 2014 22:06
    To: Metadata IG
    Subject: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    Does this group can a position on the idea of Minimal Metadata? The idea was brought up at time in the Data Foundations and Terminology (DT) WG. Some thought that we should define a minimal set such as a name and PID for anything managed as a digital object.
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  • Gary Berg-Cross's picture

    Author: Gary Berg-Cross

    Date: 04 Aug, 2014

    I'll look at the DataCite model.
    BTW, below are some of the Wickett, Renear & Urban recommendations of MD
    "properties" for data collections (EDM & Dublin Core are the model
    context). But the relations imply the entities that get connected such as
    identifier, title, creator, rights, audience etc.) :
    1. *Collection identity properties* assign and manage properties of and
    relationships to individual collections. These properties meet the
    requirement of treating collections as individual objects, and provide for
    collection description generally. In the EDM context, these properties
    include *dc:title*, *dcterms:alternative* (for an alternative title of a
    collection), and any *dc:identifier* statements for a collection,
    2. *Access properties* support access to and presentation of digital
    representations of collections via the web. In addition to the functional
    role these properties play in access, they also represent the details of
    hosting digital representations of collections. In the EDM context, these
    properties include *edm:isShownAt*, and *edm:rights*, and are attached
    to the instance of *ore:Aggregation* that specifies the digital
    collection context of a given collection.
    3. *Aggregator context properties* record information essential to the
    operation of data creation and aggregation systems. These properties meet
    the requirement to record information about the stewardship of collections,
    including institutions creating and hosting digital representations of
    collections. In the EDM context, these properties include *edm:provider*
    and *edm:dataProvider*, and are attached to an instance of
    4. *Collector context properties* reflect aspects of the creation of a
    collection via the gathering together of individual items, representing the
    intent of a curator or scholar with respect to the collection and facts
    about the collection process. These properties meet the requirement to
    record information that reflects the context implied by collection
    membership. In the EDM context, these properties include
    *dc:creator* (applied
    to the creator of the collection), *dcterms:extent*,
    *dcterms:accrualPolicy*, *dcterms:audience*, and*dc:description*. These
    properties are attached to an instance of *edm:ProvidedCHO* that
    represents a collection.
    5. *Secondary collector context properties* describe relationships
    between collections and reflect the embedding or inclusion of one
    collection-level entity into another collection-level entity. These
    properties include *dc:relation*, *dcterms:isPartOf* and
    *dcterms:hasPart*, and are attached to an instance of *edm:ProvidedCHO*.
    6. *Item-related properties* indicate attributes of the particular items
    that have been gathered into a collection. These properties give a more
    complete view of a collection, particularly in scenarios where item-level
    descriptions are not available for direct access in a repository. In the
    EDM context, these properties include *edm:itemCreator*,*edm:itemGenre*,
    *cld:dateItemsCreated*, *dcterms:spatial*, and *dcterms:temporal*, and
    are attached to an instance of *edm:ProvidedCHO* that represents a
    collection. When the information represented by these properties is
    represented at the item level, it may be possible to derive the
    collection-level properties using inference rules based on relationships
    between collection and item metadata (Wickett, Renear & Urban, 2010
    Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.
    NSF INTEROP Project
    SOCoP Executive Secretary
    Independent Consultant
    Potomac, MD

  • Keith Jeffery's picture

    Author: Keith Jeffery

    Date: 05 Aug, 2014

    Gary –
    Thanks for this.
    Classifying metadata elements by function (for what purpose it is used) is a useful approach. Of course since the same element(s) may be used for more than one purpose one ends up with elements mentioned many times but nonetheless that is better than missing any elements necessary.
    One problem with using DC for this is that it is not truly multilingual (one can define the language of the data object, not the metadata) and it is hard to describe a French-English dictionary in DC. The real problem is that DC subsumes relationships as implied 1:1 relationships between attributes (i.e. by having title and creator as attributes it implies a relationship between them without any semantics or well-formed cardinality). Worse it implies both a functional and referential relationship that may well not be there. Finally the temporal aspect is totally missing (which means that provenance is not representable).
    The use of relationship terms in the edm domain such as IsPartOf is fine but limited – what percentage or fractional part of (e.g. creator’s contribution or that part in dataset 2 derived from dataset 1).
    Good discussion – let’s continue!
    Keith G Jeffery Consultants
    Prof Keith G Jeffery
    E: ***@***.***
    T: +44 7768 446088
    S: keithgjeffery
    Past President ERCIM (***@***.***)
    Past President euroCRIS
    Past Vice President VLDB
    Fellow (CITP, CEng) BCS
    Co-chair RDA MIG
    Co-chair RDA MSDWG
    Co-chair RDA DICIG
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    - Show quoted text -From: gbergcross=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of Gary
    Sent: 04 August 2014 23:09
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: Re: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    I'll look at the DataCite model.
    BTW, below are some of the Wickett, Renear & Urban recommendations of MD "properties" for data collections (EDM & Dublin Core are the model context). But the relations imply the entities that get connected such as identifier, title, creator, rights, audience etc.) :
    1. Collection identity properties assign and manage properties of and relationships to individual collections. These properties meet the requirement of treating collections as individual objects, and provide for collection description generally. In the EDM context, these properties include dc:title, dcterms:alternative (for an alternative title of a collection), and any dc:identifier statements for a collection,
    2. Access properties support access to and presentation of digital representations of collections via the web. In addition to the functional role these properties play in access, they also represent the details of hosting digital representations of collections. In the EDM context, these properties include edm:isShownAt, and edm:rights, and are attached to the instance of ore:Aggregation that specifies the digital collection context of a given collection.
    3. Aggregator context properties record information essential to the operation of data creation and aggregation systems. These properties meet the requirement to record information about the stewardship of collections, including institutions creating and hosting digital representations of collections. In the EDM context, these properties include edm:provider and edm:dataProvider, and are attached to an instance of ore:Aggregation.
    4. Collector context properties reflect aspects of the creation of a collection via the gathering together of individual items, representing the intent of a curator or scholar with respect to the collection and facts about the collection process. These properties meet the requirement to record information that reflects the context implied by collection membership. In the EDM context, these properties include dc:creator (applied to the creator of the collection), dcterms:extent, dcterms:accrualPolicy, dcterms:audience, anddc:description. These properties are attached to an instance of edm:ProvidedCHO that represents a collection.
    5. Secondary collector context properties describe relationships between collections and reflect the embedding or inclusion of one collection-level entity into another collection-level entity. These properties include dc:relation, dcterms:isPartOf and dcterms:hasPart, and are attached to an instance of edm:ProvidedCHO.
    6. Item-related properties indicate attributes of the particular items that have been gathered into a collection. These properties give a more complete view of a collection, particularly in scenarios where item-level descriptions are not available for direct access in a repository. In the EDM context, these properties include edm:itemCreator,edm:itemGenre, cld:dateItemsCreated, dcterms:spatial, and dcterms:temporal, and are attached to an instance of edm:ProvidedCHO that represents a collection. When the information represented by these properties is represented at the item level, it may be possible to derive the collection-level properties using inference rules based on relationships between collection and item metadata (Wickett, Renear & Urban, 2010).
    Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.
    NSF INTEROP Project
    SOCoP Executive Secretary
    Independent Consultant
    Potomac, MD
    On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 6:56 AM, wackerow <***@***.***> wrote:
    I would suggest to have a look at the latest version of the metadata scheme of DataCite. This could be a good basis for any digital object not just for data.
    DataCite has a couple of minimal (there required) and optional items. These are mainly intended to provide sufficient basic information for a human-readable web page on a data set.
    Furthermore there are a couple of items which can be used by programs to get access to the data or to the related metadata (relatedMetadataScheme). The metadata could be expressed in a domain-specific metadata scheme (like DDI for social science data). This way, a program can use of the basic identification and citation information, and could possibly make use of elaborated domain-specific metadata. The basic metadata should then just comprehend a reference to the domain-specific metadata instance. It is basically a delegation idea.
    DataCite Metadata Schema v 3.0
    XML Schema
    GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
    Department: Monitoring Society and Social Change
    Team: Social Science Metadata Standards
    Visiting address: B2 1, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
    Postal address: P.O. Box 122155, 68072 Mannheim, Germany
    Phone: +49 (0)621 1246 262
    Fax: +49 (0)621 1246 100
    E-mail: ***@***.***
    From: gbergcross=***@***.*** [mailto:gbergcross=***@***.***] On Behalf Of Gary
    Sent: Freitag, 1. August 2014 22:06
    To: Metadata IG
    Subject: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    Does this group can a position on the idea of Minimal Metadata? The idea was brought up at time in the Data Foundations and Terminology (DT) WG. Some thought that we should define a minimal set such as a name and PID for anything managed as a digital object.
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  • Gary Berg-Cross's picture

    Author: Gary Berg-Cross

    Date: 07 Aug, 2014

    Just to follow up on the DataCite work, below is there list of 5 Mandatory
    *DataCite Mandatory Properties*
    1 Identifier (with type sub-property)
    2 Creator (with name identifier sub-properties)
    3 Title (with optional type sub-properties)
    4 Publisher
    5 PublicationYear
    Now of course this is for citation data so things like publisher make sense
    here and as noted by Jeffrey and others there may be other minimum metadata
    needed for other types of data.
    Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.
    NSF INTEROP Project
    SOCoP Executive Secretary
    Independent Consultant
    Potomac, MD

  • Chris Taylor 's picture

    Author: Chris Taylor

    Date: 08 Aug, 2014

    Dear all,
    While I appreciate that your immediate concern is the basic description of
    a file, I wonder if some work I did a few years back might also be relevant
    (an attempt to develop modular guidance to 'fill the gap' between the level
    you're currently addressing and very-domain-specific MI requirements). I
    stopped working on the project due to lack of interest, but perhaps it
    might be worth reviving?
    The content is here:
    And there is a simple browse/search/compilation tool here:
    (though please note that the first part of the 'modules' list contains
    whole MI documents such as MIAME).
    Best wishes, Chris Taylor.

  • Keith Jeffery's picture

    Author: Keith Jeffery

    Date: 08 Aug, 2014

    Chris –
    Thanks for this contribution – very interesting. There is almost no overlap with the ‘classical’ discovery metadata sets such as Dublin Core, CKAN and not much with DCAT (just the dataset and person). Crudely, the modules on the right hand side are domain specific and on the left there is considerable intersection with CERIF.
    Thanks again.
    All –
    Any more contributions to this valuable discussion?
    Keith G Jeffery Consultants
    Prof Keith G Jeffery
    E: ***@***.***
    T: +44 7768 446088
    S: keithgjeffery
    Past President ERCIM (***@***.***)
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    From: chrisftaylor=***@***.*** [mailto:***@***.***] On Behalf Of chrisftaylor
    Sent: 08 August 2014 14:46
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: Re: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    Dear all,
    While I appreciate that your immediate concern is the basic description of a file, I wonder if some work I did a few years back might also be relevant (an attempt to develop modular guidance to 'fill the gap' between the level you're currently addressing and very-domain-specific MI requirements). I stopped working on the project due to lack of interest, but perhaps it might be worth reviving?
    The content is here:
    And there is a simple browse/search/compilation tool here:
    (though please note that the first part of the 'modules' list contains whole MI documents such as MIAME).
    Best wishes, Chris Taylor.
    - Show quoted text -On 7 August 2014 14:56, Gary <***@***.***> wrote:
    Just to follow up on the DataCite work, below is there list of 5 Mandatory metadata
    DataCite Mandatory Properties
    1 Identifier (with type sub-property)
    2 Creator (with name identifier sub-properties)
    3 Title (with optional type sub-properties)
    4 Publisher
    5 PublicationYear
    Now of course this is for citation data so things like publisher make sense here and as noted by Jeffrey and others there may be other minimum metadata needed for other types of data.
    Gary Berg-Cross, Ph.D.
    NSF INTEROP Project
    SOCoP Executive Secretary
    Independent Consultant
    Potomac, MD
    On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 6:56 AM, wackerow <***@***.***> wrote:
    I would suggest to have a look at the latest version of the metadata scheme of DataCite. This could be a good basis for any digital object not just for data.
    DataCite has a couple of minimal (there required) and optional items. These are mainly intended to provide sufficient basic information for a human-readable web page on a data set.
    Furthermore there are a couple of items which can be used by programs to get access to the data or to the related metadata (relatedMetadataScheme). The metadata could be expressed in a domain-specific metadata scheme (like DDI for social science data). This way, a program can use of the basic identification and citation information, and could possibly make use of elaborated domain-specific metadata. The basic metadata should then just comprehend a reference to the domain-specific metadata instance. It is basically a delegation idea.
    DataCite Metadata Schema v 3.0
    XML Schema
    GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences
    Department: Monitoring Society and Social Change
    Team: Social Science Metadata Standards
    Visiting address: B2 1, 68159 Mannheim, Germany
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    E-mail: ***@***.***
    From: gbergcross=***@***.*** [mailto:gbergcross=***@***.***] On Behalf Of Gary
    Sent: Freitag, 1. August 2014 22:06
    To: Metadata IG
    Subject: [rda-metadata-ig] Minimal metadata concept
    Does this group can a position on the idea of Minimal Metadata? The idea was brought up at time in the Data Foundations and Terminology (DT) WG. Some thought that we should define a minimal set such as a name and PID for anything managed as a digital object.
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  • Chris Taylor 's picture

    Author: Chris Taylor

    Date: 08 Aug, 2014

    Thanks Keith. Our intent was indeeed to align with DC (in the first
    instance) had the work continued...
    Incidentally, I'd like to clarify that the main work of MIBBI (now defunct)
    -- i.e., collating and promoting community-generated MI documents --
    continues under the Biosharing project (
    Best wishes, Chris.
    On 8 August 2014 15:28, ***@***.*** <
    ***@***.***> wrote:

  • Gary Berg-Cross's picture

    Author: Gary Berg-Cross

    Date: 28 Feb, 2015

    One of the issues discussed at a recent RDA outreach workshop was how people felt about "minimal metadata."
    Some cautioned that it is potentially a bad idea, while a pluratity seemed in favor of it and could point to good outcomes using .
    An example provided at the workshop was that of the Dataset Descriptions: HCLS Community Profile discussed by Michel Dumontier (Stanford). The idea here is to:
     Develop a guidance note for reusing existing vocabularies to describe datasets with RDF – Mandatory, recommended, optional descriptors – Identifiers – Versioning – Attribution – Provenance – Content summarization • Recommend vocabulary-linked attributes and value sets 
    We were perhaps more uniform on the idea expressed by NIST's Bob Hanisch that maximum MD causes a problem since people won't "use it."

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