Gary Berg-Cross

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Dr Gary Berg-Cross Chair

Member since: 06/13/2013 - 17:16
Professional title: 
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
Cognitive Psychcology/Knowledge Engineeting
Other (professional title): 
Knowledge engineer
Organization name: 
Organization type: 
IT Consultancy/Development
United States

Short Bio

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Dr. Gary Berg-Cross is a Cognitive Psychologist (Ph.D. SUNY Stony Brook) with an interest in human conceptual models and their representation. He serves as a consulting knowledge engineer on Earth Science projects & was a Co-PI on an NSF grant to help geo-scientists share data using improved semantics. As part of his work he arranges and participates in periodic workshops to prototype conceptual models, ontologies and general design patterns. He has served as the Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP) Executive Secretariat for 8 years helping to run annual workshops and vocabulary development efforts to advance the field. He is a co organizer of the annual Ontology Summit hosted at NSF and NIST.

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