Libraries for Research Data IG Mtg at RDA P8

15 Sep 2016

Welcome to all who are able to be in Denver this week. Our L4RD interest group session is tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon 2-3:30pm in the Vail room. We have a robust agenda.
Libraries for Research Data (L4RD) Interest Group Meeting
Breakout Session #2 - Room: Vail
Thursday, 15 September, 14:00-15:30 (2pm-3:30pm)
1. Welcome
Michael Witt will give a quick background on the interest group’s activities to date and an overview of today’s session.
2. European Survey of Academic Libraries and Research Data Services
Wolfram Horstmann will show the results of a European Survey on Academic Libraries and Research Data Services that was facilitated by the European Federation of Research Libraries (LIBER). A survey with a similar design has been carried out in North America by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) enabling comparisons between the continents.
3. The Library as an Important Player For Research Data Management
Chuck Humphrey will lead a group discussion about the key roles for libraries in the area of research data management and how we can develop effective international strategies for establishing that role with key stakeholders.
4. Updates and Topics from Members
* Organization Models for Libraries Providing Research Data Services, RDA/Sloan DataShare fellowship report - Cheryl Thompson
* U.S. Department of Transportation, National Transportation Library Data Services - Amanda Wilson
* Australian National Data Service - Natasha Simons
* IFLA Journal Special Issue on Research Data Services - Michael Witt
* Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche (LIBER) Update - Susan Reilly
* SHARE and the Data Curation Network - Cynthia Hudson-Vitale
* Los Alamos National Laboratory - Joshua Finnell & Brian Cain
* LIS Curricula and Research Programmes - Eva Méndez
* California Digital Library, University of California Curation Center - John Chodaki
* National Library of Ireland - Sandra Collins
5. New Chair Nominations and Election
We look forward to seeing you there!
Michael Witt, Purdue University
Head, Distributed Data Curation Center (D2C2)
Associate Professor of Library Science

  • Michael Witt's picture

    Author: Michael Witt

    Date: 16 Sep, 2016

    Thanks to our speakers and everyone who came today. Slides have been posted to the session page on the online conference program.
    There were problems with wireless in the room, so we ask you to please "check in" to the session now if you couldn't before. This will help RDA for future planning (and maybe we'll get a bigger room next time...)
    Note this can be done after-the-fact. Thanks,
    Michael Witt, Purdue University
    Head, Distributed Data Curation Center (D2C2)
    Associate Professor of Library Science
    - Show quoted text -From: Witt, Michael C.
    Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2016 11:18 PM
    To: ***@***.***
    Subject: Libraries for Research Data IG Mtg at RDA P8
    Welcome to all who are able to be in Denver this week. Our L4RD interest group session is tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon 2-3:30pm in the Vail room. We have a robust agenda.
    Libraries for Research Data (L4RD) Interest Group Meeting
    Breakout Session #2 - Room: Vail
    Thursday, 15 September, 14:00-15:30 (2pm-3:30pm)
    1. Welcome
    Michael Witt will give a quick background on the interest group’s activities to date and an overview of today’s session.
    2. European Survey of Academic Libraries and Research Data Services
    Wolfram Horstmann will show the results of a European Survey on Academic Libraries and Research Data Services that was facilitated by the European Federation of Research Libraries (LIBER). A survey with a similar design has been carried out in North America by the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) enabling comparisons between the continents.
    3. The Library as an Important Player For Research Data Management
    Chuck Humphrey will lead a group discussion about the key roles for libraries in the area of research data management and how we can develop effective international strategies for establishing that role with key stakeholders.
    4. Updates and Topics from Members
    * Organization Models for Libraries Providing Research Data Services, RDA/Sloan DataShare fellowship report - Cheryl Thompson
    * U.S. Department of Transportation, National Transportation Library Data Services - Amanda Wilson
    * Australian National Data Service - Natasha Simons
    * IFLA Journal Special Issue on Research Data Services - Michael Witt
    * Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche (LIBER) Update - Susan Reilly
    * SHARE and the Data Curation Network - Cynthia Hudson-Vitale
    * Los Alamos National Laboratory - Joshua Finnell & Brian Cain
    * LIS Curricula and Research Programmes - Eva Méndez
    * California Digital Library, University of California Curation Center - John Chodaki
    * National Library of Ireland - Sandra Collins
    5. New Chair Nominations and Election
    We look forward to seeing you there!
    Michael Witt, Purdue University
    Head, Distributed Data Curation Center (D2C2)
    Associate Professor of Library Science

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