IG ETHRD: Interim meeting, 14-15 Jan, Oxford

16 Dec 2015

Dear all,

Thank you to all who responded to the Doodle poll for our interim meeting.  After consultation with members we have moved the venue to the Internet Institute, St Giles, University of Oxford, Oxford, England. The dates will be: lunchtime on Thu 14 Jan to lunchtime on Friday 15 Jan 2016.  Please reserve your place by 4 Jan 2016 at the latest.

The meeting is to advance the work of the IG, focussing specifically on the preparation of the competence frameworks and collaboration between data-related professions.  We will also prepare for two forthcoming events: a workshop at the International Digital Curation Conference (http://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/idcc16/workshops#Workshop%207) and a session at the 7th RDA Plenary in Tokyo in March 2016.

We have limited capacity for this meeting so please let me know if you would like to attend as soon as possible, and by close of business on Monday 4 January at the latest.  Please email laura.molloy@oii.ox.ac.uk to confirm your attendance, and indicate any access requirements.  As we don't have any specfic budget we won't be able to provide food, so nutritional requirements are not needed, but we will serve tea, coffee, water and biscuits at the breaks. There are very good sandwich shops and delis nearby so we won't starve!

Oxford is easily reached by coach direct from London or from London Heathrow airport. There are also direct trains from London. Accommodation can be found via http://www.universityrooms.com/en/city/oxford/home and http://www.conference-oxford.com/bb-self-catering as well as the usual websites.

Our draft agenda is as follows, but we will send exact timings and locations in week commencing 4 January.

Day 1: Thu 14 Jan afternoon. Start c. 1pm.

  • Introduction (5 mins)
  • Short presentations: data competences needed by four professions as recently studied by IG ETHRD (5' each, these talks are not to go in to detail, but to provide a quick overview of the status quo; some time for questions and discussion) (30 mins)
  • Breakout session (i.e. group work) on technical competences that are needed for the collaboration between the professions (45 mins)
  • Break (20 mins)
  • Presentation of results of group work; discussion (30 mins)
  • Presentations by those who want or need to present something (30 mins)
  • Breakout session (i.e. group work) on the differences in terminology within the four professions (45 mins)
  • Presentation of results of group work; discussion (30 mins)
  • End of day 1; dinner in one of Oxford's historical local pubs (everybody covers one's own bill).

Day 2: Fri 15 Jan morning. Start 9am.

  • Recap of results of day 1 (15 mins)
  • Breakout session (i.e. group work) on non-technical competences that are needed for the collaboration between the professions (45 mins)
  • Presentation of results of group work; discussion (15 mins)
  • Break (20 mins)
  • General discussion: what are the takeaways from this workshop? Which topics shall the IG cover in depth? how to continue? (45 mins)
  • Wrap-up (15 mins)

The meeting will be facilitated by Dr Christopher Jung of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.  

Please let me know if you would like to attend by email (laura.molloy@oii.ox.ac.uk) by Monday 4 January at the latest.

With all best wishes of the season, 

Laura Molloy, IG co-chair, 

and on behalf of Yuri Demchenko, IG co-chair, and Christopher Jung, facilitator.

PS The venue will be hosting another event immediately after our meeting which may be of interest to some of you. It takes place on the afternoon of Friday 15 Jan, and is a celebration of 15 years of Wikipedia held in collaboration with the Bodleian Library, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities, and the Quello Center, Michigan State University. If you would like to stay on in Oxford for the Friday afternoon, it's free to attend (and includes lunch!) If you're interested please book this separately at http://www.oii.ox.ac.uk/events/?id=749 and address any queries to events@oii.ox.ac.uk.  Thank you!

  • Laura Molloy's picture

    Author: Laura Molloy

    Date: 19 Jan, 2016

    Thank you to all who came to a wintry Oxford for our interim meeting last week.  Thank you for your enthusiasm and input to our discussions, to Christopher Jung for his very able facilitation of a complex conversation, and to the Oxford Internet Institute for their warm welcome.

    The notes from our meeting will be posted here once all those who attended have had a chance to read them through and clarify their points. There will also be photos!

    Thanks again to all who contributed to a successful two days!

    Best wishes,

    Laura Molloy, co-chair IG ETHRD

    e: laura.molloy@oii.ox.ac.uk.


  • Laura Molloy's picture

    Author: Laura Molloy

    Date: 10 Feb, 2016

    Hi all, the notes from our IG's interim meeting in January are now available here:


    Thanks to all the contributors. Please let me know of any access problems.


    Laura Molloy

    IG-ETHRD co-chair

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