Join the RDA Virtual Coffee Break: Meet other RDA members for an informal chat

08 Apr 2020

Dear all,
We hope you are well and safe!
RDA Plenaries bring together people from a wide variety of backgrounds, communities, and countries, and many of the most valuable interactions happen during the coffee breaks. For this Virtual Plenary, you can also join a virtual coffee break in Zoom to meet other RDA members, have a chat, ask questions, find out what others are doing - and bring your own coffee!
Coffee break 2: Thursday 9 April at 7:00 am UTC. Register here:
Everyone is welcome, regardless of their level of involvement in RDA!
More information at
RDA Virtual Plenary 15
Hope this still reaches you in time!
There is also the option of joining a midnight coffee session, if that is something you might be interested in:
Coffee break 1: Thursday 9 April at 00:00 am (midnight) UTC. Register here:
Timea Biro | Project Manager, Digital Repository of Ireland
Royal Irish Academy | 19 Dawson St. Dublin 2
***@***.*** | @dri_ireland |
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