Engaging researchers with research data: What works?

29 Mar 2019

Dear all,

On Wednesday April 3rd at the RDA plenary, we will give an update on the project "Engaging researchers with research data: What works?", during the session IG Libraries for Research Data. The goal of the project is to help institutions increase engagement with RDM among researchers, and we are currently in the process of collecting and analysing activities that different institutions have developed to do just so. 

We would be very happy to discuss this project with the Education and Training group, in order to see how we could collaborate. 


Helene N. Andreassen (& Andrea Medina-Smith, Raman Ganguly)

- on behalf of the project

  • Amy Nurnberger's picture

    Author: Amy Nurnberger

    Date: 31 Mar, 2019

    Dear Helene,
    Thank you for highlighting this project! I will correspond with you
    individually about logistics for including this project in the ETHRD/Summer
    Schools session.
    Amy Nurnberger [*she/her(s)*], ORCID: 0000-0002-5931-072X

    Research Data Alliance
    - Organisational Advisory Board, co-chair
    - Education and Training on Handling Research Data, co-chair
    Tel: 617.258.5596
    E-mail: ***@***.***
    Twitter: @ANurnberger

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