Agenda and Logistics

12 Nov 2014


The final agenda, including the time and location for the self-pay dinner on Thursday, is attached. I know that some of you who are registered for the meeting never signed up to this group and I will forward this message to those of you of which I am aware.

You should have received email from Crissy Robinson on the 10th with the pass and associated instructions needed to get into NIST. Please let Wo Chang or myself know as soon as possible if you think you are registered and did not receive this email.

The Hilton where a number of you are staying does run a shuttle service to NIST, for those who don't want to walk. Ask at the front desk.

We will organize rides to the dinner during the day on Thursday, although we may need to use a taxi or two. There will be 60-90 minutes between the end of the meeting and the dinner. Those who aren't staying at the Hilton can stay  at NIST or go to the pub across the street and we will coordinate around those arrangements.

See you Thursday,


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