Dr Nadica Miljković Chair
Member since: 08/29/2019 - 13:49Short Bio
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Nadica Miljković finished Bachelor, Master and PhD studies at the School of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade (ETF). Her main research focus is related to Biomedical Engineering. She started to work at ETF at 2008 as Research and Teaching Associate, and since 2020 she works as Associate Professor. From June 2022 she is engaged as Guest Researcher at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. She has experience in R&D of medical instrumentation and she was part of the team for designing two medical rehabilitation devices. Clinical experience includes work with patients with brain traumas and low back pain at the clinics in Belgrade. She is currently Editor of PSSOH Conference (with topics on free software, open hardware, open science, open data, and women in electrical engineering and computer science) and Reviewer for national and international conferences, journals and projects. Her teaching activity includes undergraduate, postgraduate, and PhD courses from the fields of Electrical Measurements (Arduino and Python programs), Software Tools (Arduino and Matlab), Biomedical Signal Processing (Matlab, Python, GNU Octave and R), and various fields of Biomedical Engineering.