Richard Vines

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Mr Richard Vines

Member since: 07/13/2016 - 05:11
Professional title: 
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
Knowledge Management; Digital Scholarship; Integration of KM with archival description and records management, semantic interoperablity, program management
Other (professional title): 
Knowledge Management Specialist
Organization name: 
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources
Organization type: 
Government/Public Services

Short Bio

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Richard Vines has for over 20 years been leading and brokering knowledge related programs, projects and consultancies spanning industry, government, academia and the community services sector. In December 2010 he joined the Victorian Government’s the Department of Primary Industries (now the Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport and Resources) in a start-up knowledge management initiative. In his role with DEDJTR, Richard has received a number of awards including Collaboration and Internal Partnerships Award (2013), DEDJTR Achievement Award (2015 for developing the eXtension project: transforming the connection of people and knowledge; Highly commenced award - Farm Services Innovation (2014-15). He was also part of the project team for the Rupert Hamer Award for Innovation and Excellence announced by the Public Records Office of Victoria in 2016. Richard is an Honourary Fellow at the eScholarship Research Centre at the University of Melbourne.

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