Jiban K. Pal

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Dr Jiban K. Pal

Member since: 10/19/2020 - 09:22
Professional title: 
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
Library & Information Science: Digital archiving, Metadata engineering, Open science, Research data management, Scientometrics, and Sociology of science
Other (professional title): 
Scientific & Technical Professional (LIS)
Organization name: 
Indian Statistical Institute
Organization type: 

Short Bio

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Jiban K. Pal (b.1972): is a well-rounded professional, actively engaged in research, teaching, and scholarship. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Calcutta (India). He has been serving the Indian Statistical Institute Library (Kolkata) for more than twenty years. He is impassioned to build the capacities of R&D organizations for digital scholarship and curation (sharing/reuse) of research data with the ultimate goal of elevating how the services to academic researchers are managed and valued. He has been identified as a visiting faculty at the IGNOU Regional Centre, Kolkata. He also acts as a Nodal Officer of the Indian Research Information Network System (IRINS), Government of India. Dr. Pal is a member of the Re3data Editorial Board, the World’s landmark open-data initiative, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). He was committed to the Databib World Repository project of the Purdue and Penn State universities (USA) from 2012 to 2015. He received travel grants from the American Geophysical Union (AGU) in 2018 and the German Research Foundation (DFG) in 2022. He is a recipient of the prestigious InfoShare Award of the ASIS&T, USA for 2021. Jiban has been, among others, recognized as a jury of the International Paper Contest (IPC-2022) of the SIG-III of ASIS&T for 2022. He has contributed many influential papers that are indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. He used to perform as a reviewer of leading information science journals published by Springer, Emerald, DRDO, CSIR, the Indian Academy of Sciences, and the Public Library of Science (PloS). His areas of research interest include Digital archiving, Metadata engineering, Open science, Research data management, Scientometrics, and Sociology of science. His current work-plan focuses on data-related activities for developing open-data infrastructure to ensure persistent access to research datasets from the developing country's perspective. He has served as a member of the publications committee, symposia organizing committees, and technical support teams. He also served as honorary Associate Editor of the IASLIC Newsletter. He is a life member of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (Belgium), SIS (New Delhi), and IASLIC (Kolkata).

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