Julián Garrido-Sánchez

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Dr Julián Garrido-Sánchez

Member since: 06/26/2020 - 07:14
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Organization name: 
Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía
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Short Bio

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Dr. Julián Garrido (m) holds a PhD in Informatics from the University of Granada since 2011. He received his M.Sc. in Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems in 2008. He has been awarded with several research grants from University of Granada and Andalucía Government. He is currently member of the AMIGA group at IAA-CSIC, and as part of it, he participated in the FP7 project Wf4Ever, where he developed the AstroTaverna plugin to adapt Taverna to Astronomy users and supply access to VO services; and he produced the first astronomy Research Objects (ROs) described with the RO semantic model. He also participated in the series of AMIGA projects, in which he contributed to the elaboration of standards in the VO and the development of workflows. He also participated in the SKA Science Data Processor as member of the DATA team, to design and prototype the SKA Science Catalogue and delivery services. He participated in the H2020 AENEAS (Advanced European Network of E-infrastructures for Astronomy with SKA), being involved in the development of governance structure and business models of the European Science Data Centre (ESDC), the identification of components and requirements for the ESDC, and its integration with the VO framework. He works in the developement of SKA Regional Centres. He works as Project Manager of the Spanish technological participation in the SKA and is member of the coordination team in the SKA Spanish network. Currently, more than 20 Spanish centres and companies participate in the SKA design.

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