Ioan Calinescu

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Prof Ioan Calinescu

Member since: 01/21/2020 - 08:15
Professional title: 
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
chemical engineering / microwave and ultrasound
Organization name: 
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
Organization type: 

Short Bio

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Present position: Professor at University Politehnica of Bucharest, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Material Science, Department of Bioresources and Polymer Science; Reviewer for 20 scientific journals and conferences (all indexed in Clarivate Analytics and SCOPUS). I developed and coordinate two master programs: “Biofuels and biorefineries” and “Biorefineries and Bioporoducts” and a bachelor program: “Industrial Biotechnologies” in the Faculty of Applied Chemistry and material science. Ph.D. adviser from 2008, in the domain: Engineering science, Chemical engineering (20 PhD students finish the thesis, 8 PhD students in progress). Activity: 8 books or chapters, over 100 articles in Clarivate Analytics and other international databases proceedings and journals, H-index: 15 in Google Scholar and 12 in Clarivate Analytics, 6 patents, unpublished lectures & communication: 150, Project Director for 11 national and international projects won by competition with a budget over 10 mil euros, Responsible (UPB) for other 20 national and international projects, team member in over 12 national and international projects since 2000; and 1 prize for the research activity; Reviewer of national research programs. Teaching activity: Organic Technology (bachelor); Biorefineries (master); Catalysis (master) Dean of the Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Material Science (2012-2016) Head of Department TSOCM in Politehnica University of Bucharest for 8 years (2004-2012).

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