Elena Dragoi

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Prof Elena Dragoi

Member since: 01/18/2020 - 06:30
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"Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University
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Elena-Niculina Dragoi received her B.Eng.(Computer Science) and M.Sc.(Distributed Systems) from the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, and her PhD (“Modelling and optimization methodologies based on neuro-evolutive techniques applied to chemical engineering processes”) from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, „Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi. Currently, she is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Protection, Iasi, teaching classes related to applied informatics and at Faculty of Computer Science from “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University, teaching classes related to Artificial Intellience The main research interests consist in developing and implementing different types of Artificial Intelligence techniques for solving specific aspects of chemical engineering problems. In particular, bio-inspired optimization were combined with artificial neural networks in order to a) determine optimal structure of the network modelling the process and b) to optimize the process based on the optimal structure previously identified. The main aspects taken into consideration are performance (speed of computation and resources consumed) and easiness of use (by the non-specialized end-user).

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