Sean Hodges

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Mr Sean Hodges

Member since: 05/30/2017 - 21:48
Professional title: 
Programme Manager/Project Manager
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
Natural Resource Management
Other (professional title): 
Manager Catchment Information
Organization name: 
Horizons Regional Council
Organization type: 
Government/Public Services
Palmerston North
New Zealand

Short Bio

Last comments


I have a background in natural resource management, mainly around surface water, groundwater, geothermal and coastal systems (with a bit of ecology on the side). Project work, and the various roles held over the last 20+ years within local and central government, have focussed primarily on data collection programmes, data archival, data analysis and data presentation. This inevitably led to building a variety of software tools to improve data management practices, automate analysis routines and to find ways to bring data from different systems together for reporting.

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