Take part in the TRIPLE survey to support open scholarly communication in the Social Sciences and Humanities
The TRIPLE project (https://www.gotriple.eu/) is inviting all RDA members to take part in its User Research Survey
About the TRIPLE project
The TRIPLE project was launched on 7 October 2019. It will be one of the dedicated services of OPERAS (https://operas.hypotheses.org), the Research Infrastructure supporting open scholarly communication in the Social Sciences and Humanities in the European Research Area (https://ec.europa.eu/info/research-and-innovation/strategy/era_en). At the heart of the project is the development of the TRIPLE platform, an innovative multilingual and multicultural discovery solution.
About this survey
The questionnaire is specifically targeted at researchers and academics from the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) at any stage of their careers - from Master student to full professor - who are currently working in a European country.
Click here to access the Survey
The results of the User Research Survey, which will be published in the “Report on User Needs” in November 2020, will help the project tailor the services and tools of the TRIPLE platform to the needs of the SSH community. The survey will help find out what exactly SSH users need and prefer as a potential future user of the TRIPLE platform. This includes information on:
- use of tools for discovery used to explore, find, access and reuse material such as literature, data, projects, researchers' profiles etc. that they would need for their own research work
- use of tools for the management and retrieval of material
- use of tools for conducting research (including data collection and annotation)
- use of tools for networking with colleagues or other stakeholders
- digital literacy and general discovery practices
- hardware devices used in the research cycle
The survey is open until 30 June 2020. It is in English, and it should not take more than 10 to 15 minutes to answer the 21 questions. Click here to access the Survey
Should you encounter any technical difficulties, or should you require further information about the Survey, please contact Dr Stefano De Paoli (s.depaoli@abertay.ac.uk) or Dr Paula Forbes (p.forbes@abertay.ac.uk).