Past Plenaries

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RDA's 12th Plenary Meeting - part of the International Data Week 2018, Gaborone, Botswana
05 Nov 2018

RDA's 12th Plenary Meeting - part of the International Data Week 2018, Gaborone, Botswana


The second edition of International Data Week (IDW 2018) will be held on 5-8 November 2018 in Gaborone, Botswana. Hosted by the Botswana Open Science and Open Data Forum, IDW 2018 will bring together data professionals and researchers from all disciplines and from all parts of the globe.

IDW 2018 combines the RDA's 12th Plenary Meeting, the biannual meeting of the research data community, and SciDataCon 2018, the scientific conference addressing the frontiers of data in research.

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RDA Eleventh Plenary Meeting, Berlin, Germany
21 Mar 2018

RDA Eleventh Plenary Meeting, Berlin, Germany


The 11th RDA Plenary Meeting will take place from the 21st to the 23rd March 2018 in Berlin, Germany. Under the theme "From Data to Knowledge", the Plenary meeting welcomes the participation of all data scientists, experts and practitioners engaged in the advancement of data-driven science and economy.

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RDA Eighth Plenary Meeting, Denver (CO), US
11 Sep 2016

RDA Eighth Plenary Meeting, Denver (CO), US


From September 11-17, 2016, data professionals and researchers from all disciplines and from across the globe will convene in Denver, Colorado for International Data Week (IDW). The theme of this landmark event is ‘From Big Data to Open Data: Mobilizing the Data Revolution’. 

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RDA Seventh Plenary Meeting, Tokyo, Japan
01 Mar 2016

RDA Seventh Plenary Meeting, Tokyo, Japan


Hosted and co-organised by the Japan Science and Technology Agency under the theme“Making data sharing work in the era of Open Science” the 7th Research Data Alliance (RDA) Plenary meeting will be held in Tokyo, Japan from the 1st to the 3rd of March 2016. 

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23 Sep 2015

RDA Sixth Plenary Meeting, Paris, France


The 6th RDA Plenary was hosted in the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (Cnam),  Paris from 23-25 September 2015. The theme of the international gathering of industry and academic experts, pioneers and innovators involved in the data ecosystem was Enterprise Engagement with a focus on Research Data for Climate Change.

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08 Mar 2015

RDA Fifth Plenary Meeting, San Diego (CA), US


RDA's 5th Plenary Meeting was held in San Diego, California from March 8 -11, 2015, at the beautiful Paradise Point Hotel.For those unfamiliar with RDA, the Plenaries are multi-day meetings held twice a year in various locations worldwide to provide the RDA community an opportunity to network and collaborate with peers in various disciplines, and hear from industry experts and world leaders on topics related to research data sharing and exchange.

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22 Sep 2014

RDA Fourth Plenary Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


The Research Data Alliance (RDA) builds the social and technical bridges that enable open sharing of data to address cross-border & cross-disciplinary challenges. The Research Data Alliance Fourth Plenary Meeting in Amsterdam showcases the first concrete outputs from the RDA Working Groups. 

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26 Mar 2014

RDA Third Plenary Meeting, Dublin, Ireland


Australia, in close partnership with Ireland, hosted the Third Plenary for the Research Data Alliance in Dublin, Ireland on March 26 to 28, 2014. The purpose of the Research Data Alliance is to accelerate international data-driven innovation and discovery by facilitating research data sharing and exchange, use and re-use, standards harmonization, and discoverability.

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