Progress: The needle is moving on small unstaffed vehicles data

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06 Aug 2021
Group(s) submitting the application: 
Meeting objectives: 
  1. Summarise state of the art for members given COVID gap in activity

  2. Summarise notable advances in parallel areas

  3. Re-determine priority issues given (1&2)

  4. Re-strategise how RDA group can most effectively contribute to (3)

Meeting agenda: 

Collaborative session notes:

  • 30min presentations (max)
  • 60min: Facilitated breakouts and discussion addressing objectives 3&4
Target Audience: 
  • Scientific researchers using unstaffed vehicles as data capture platforms (Drones, Submarines, Ocean gliders, Agricultural rovers...etc)
  • Semantic web technology experts
  • Domain scientists involved in using and capturing data from many sensors and who are interested in increasing the degree to which their domain’s data is FAIR
Group chair serving as contact person: 
Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group: 

In the last 10years researchers across domains have taken on drones as standard means of capturing data.    This groups seeks to increase the publication of FAIR drone data and reduce drone users' overhead in publishing and using drone captured data.  From the start it has sought to do both through engagement with scientific domain data experts, existing standards and standards bodies, and a wide spectrum of drone users in both academia and industry.

Short Group Status: 

Established ~2016.  The group actively co-ordinated discussion around addressing the need for data standards and tooling for the many resesarchers using drones to capture data.  The group's shared work has been stalled by the pandemic for the past 3 plenaries, this meeting will seek to update the community on efforts that have continued throughout the pandemic and server as a opportunity to restrategise its role.

Type of Meeting: 
Working meeting
Avoid conflict with the following group (1): 
Avoid conflict with the following group (2): 
Meeting presenters: 
All speakers remain to be determined but sources of input sought include representation from: OGC FAA, sUxS, and Aircraft Testbed, Australian Scalable Drone Cloud, Linked-data And Networked Drones project