RDA 18th Plenary Meeting - Virtual
The 18th Plenary Meeting was the first plenary to be fully owned and organised by the RDA Secretariat, responsible for the daily global operations, without support from local organisers.
To facilitate participation by the RDA’s global membership, meeting components were organized across a series of international time zones. All sessions were recorded and available to registered participants on the Plenary event platform, Whova, until mid-December when they are freely available to the complete RDA community and public via the plenary web pages.
Some highlights from our 18th Virtual Plenary meeting:
- 626 participants from over 40 countries
- 81 sessions in total of which there were:
- 12 BoF meetings
- 36 Interest Group meetings
- 17 Working Group meetings
- Three Joint group sessions
- One Community of practice meeting
- Seven Plenary / Panel sessions
- Four Networking sessions
- Two poster “Minute Madness” sessions with 26 posters from across the globe
Session recordings are available on the RDA Youtube Channel and through the VP18 programme page.
For further information, view the VP18 Final Report.