Biodiversity Data Integration Interest Group session

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31 Jul 2020
Group(s) submitting the application: 
Meeting objectives: 


In P15 the group has set new objectives and scope, which have now been included in an updated charter that will undergo a community review. The P16 meeting has as objective to move forward with the new objectives, to present some important biodiversity data integration activities currently happening in the community in the areas of COVID-19, FAIR implementation and Digital Objects and discuss how these can be linked with the IG, with activities in other IGs or produce new RDA recommendations or guidelines. 


The meeting will have 3 topics:

1. Present results from the biodiversity community on solving COVID-19 data integration issues and discuss how these can be (or already have been) turned into RDA Recommendations and Guidelines.

2. Discuss linkages with GO FAIR BiodiFAIRse Implementation Network

3. Give room for a starting Digital Specimens/Extended Specimens Working Group under BDI IG and TDWG to present their objectives and plans.

Developments of relevance for this meeting:

  • A CETAF-DiSSCo COVID-19 Task Force worked on several data integration issues related to biodiversity data. Some of the results have been used by the Omics subgroup in the RDA COVID-19 Working Group to include in the RDA COVID-19 Recommendations and Guidelines for Data Sharing.
  • A FAIR Implementation Netwerk for Biodiversity Data (BiodiFAIRse) was created under GO FAIR, led be French network organisations and building on the Living Atlases community (
  • A paper was recently submitted for the Research Data Alliance Results Special Collection that describes how RDA recommendations in the area of Digital Objects are being used in the Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo) Research Infrastructure for a biodiversity specific implementation (Digital Specimens). 


Meeting agenda: 

Collaborative Notes Link:


Session chairs: Libby Ellwood, Wouter Addink

Draft agenda

  • Update on BDI IG charter revision and review (5 min) - Libby Ellwood & Wouter Addink
  • Presentation about biodiversity community work in the RDA COVID-19 (10+5 min discussion) - Jerry Lanfear
  • Presentation about CETAF-DiSSCo COVID-19 TaF results in publishing biotic interactions (10+5 min discussion) - Donat Agosti
  • Presentation and discussion about linkages with GO FAIR BiodiFAIRse Implementation Network (10+10 min discussion)  - Yvan le Bras   
  • Discussion about goals and plans for a new joint WG for Open Digital Specimen under BDI IG and TDWG (30 min) - Alex Hardisty
  • Wrap up, further actions (5 min) - Libby Ellwood & Wouter Addink
Target Audience: 

BDI IG group members and anyone else interested in biodiversity data integration.

Group chair serving as contact person: 
Brief introduction describing the activities and scope of the group: 

The group aims to steer discussion and coordinate efforts that create synergies among infrastructure developments around biodiversity data, and to connect these with RDA developments in the wider inter-disciplinary research infrastructure landscape. Infrastructures cannot operate in isolation but need to be part of the same value chain to deliver scientific outputs. 

Short Group Status: 

Established, but the group revised its Charter (setting new objectives and goals) which will undergo community review soon.

Type of Meeting: 
Informative meeting
Meeting presenters: 
Jerry Lanfear,Yvan le Bras, Donat Agosti, Alex Hardisty