Open consultation on FAIR data in the humanities until 15th July 2019

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Open consultation on FAIR data in the humanities until 15th July 2019
29 May 2019

Open consultation on FAIR data in the humanities until 15th July 2019

In an effort to support Open Science practices in the humanities, the ALLEA E-Humanities Working Group has drafted recommendations for humanities researchers working with data, and launched an open consultation. The working group is seeking contributions from researchers and practitioners working in disciplines within the humanities, as well as policy makers and representatives of public and private organisations working in the field. The purpose of the open consultation is to gather broad feedback from active humanities researchers, in order to best tailor FAIR recommendations to the humanities.


How to contribute

The consultation document is available as an open Google doc here:
You can contribute by leaving comments, making suggested edits, asking questions, or providing use-cases directly in the document. If you sign into a Google account before contributing, then your name/email address will be visible in the document, and we can acknowledge your participation in our final publication.

The open consultation closes on 15th July 2019.

For more information see the ALLEA E-Humanities Working Group home page