Grenoble Alpes University

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Grenoble Alpes University

About Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)

Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) is both firmly anchored at the local level and has a solid international reputation. Its foundation stems from the aggregation of the former Université Grenoble Alpes and the most prestigious higher education and research institutions in Grenoble: Grenoble INP (School of Engineering), Sciences Po Grenoble (School of Political Science and Public Policy) and ENSAG (Grenoble School of Architecture). Over 60,000 students are registered at Grenoble Alpes University. 3,000 of them study at the doctoral level and 9,000 are international students.

It has 7,500 members of staff based in its two campuses, in Grenoble and Valence. Université Grenoble Alpes will pursue its collaborations, locally and nationally, with research institutions and networks such as the CNRS, the French Commission for Alternative Energies (CEA), the IT Research Center (INRIA), the University Hospital (CHU), and the French Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM). These strong collaborations and the pursuit of joint research projects focusing on shared scientific interests will contribute to strengthening and widening the university’s broad international partnerships. Université Grenoble Alpes has three main missions. As a world-class university, it seeks to maintain and strengthen its local and international connections as a means of making a valuable contribution to social, cultural and economic development. It fully and boldly embraces social challenges by offering a wide range of academic programs, by supporting research projects, which push back the frontiers of human knowledge. It addresses social, political, cultural and environmental challenges in a global context, whilst respecting its specific identity and diversity, and working in partnership with local stakeholders.

Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) and the RDA

Grenoble Alpes University has, for many years, been committed to promoting open science and, more recently, open data. By relying on the site's structures (GRICAD - data and computing Research Infrastructure - and its libraries), the university has developed support for research data by offering new services as well as new forms of training. A support unit offers operational assistance to scientific communities. The RDA, with its wide range of expertise and topics, is an important asset and will help the University achieve its ambition. The UGA-RDA partnership is the result of the university's choice to respond positively to the international initiatives in the field of open science. Grenoble Alpes University will bring to the RDA the full extent of its expertise as well as rely on its scientific communities to give new depth to future collaborations and exchanges.

Violaine Louvet is a CNRS research engineer currently the director of GRICAD – data and computing Research Infrastructure. After a PhD in applied mathematics in 1998, she specialized in numerical methods for high Performance Computing in differents mathematical laboratories with strong collaborations with computer scientists. Director of GRICAD since its creation in 2016, she is now interested in all research data issues. Very involved in the data support unit of Grenoble Alpes University, she was appointed research data administrator for the institution. She is the representative at the RDA but also in initiatives such as EOSC, in which the university is an observer member. In parallel, she continues her activities in research projects, in particular on the implementation of artificial intelligence technologies for projects in human and social sciences and health.

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