Community Feedback - building a glossary of definitions related to sensitive data

21 Dec 2022

Dear RDA community,

The RDA Sensitive Data Interest Group is building a glossary of definitions related to sensitive data. We are interested in finding out how you use words related to sensitive data, and in building a common set of terms for us to use as a community.

This activity began by collecting vocabularies and glossaries that contained sensitive-data-related terms and their definitions. We then reviewed all of the collected terms with the community to identify terms that are about sensitive data, and terms that are essential to a sensitive data vocabulary (i.e. where our understanding of what is meant in sensitive-data-related discussion relies on our understanding of that term).

We are now working on assessing and building out the set of definitions for these terms. You can find the list of definitions in this Miro board ( The list is long, so we have divided it into three tables. The first contains terms that are about sensitive data, and the other two tables contain terms that were judged to be essential to a sensitive data vocabulary. Our initial focus is on the terms identified as being about sensitive data, so if you have limited time please start there. If you have trouble accessing the miro board, you can also access the tables in spreadsheet version here ( 


We would like you to review the list of terms and check whether the definitions provided make sense in your context (your discipline, your jurisdiction). You can comment on the definitions provided to explain why they do/do not work for you. We strongly encourage you to include alternative definitions - for instance, if a term is defined by law in your jurisdiction, please provide this definition to help us to understand how definitions differ between contexts. You can also place stars against the terms which you consider to be particularly important that we define and have a shared understanding of - this will help us to prioritise our focus as a group. 


To use the Miro board, drag and drop the sticky notes and stars, and write your comments in the sticky notes.



Your participation will act in part as a peer review process. We ask that you provide your contributions by February 6th. Once we have gathered your feedback we will finalise this output and share with the community for final review at RDA20. 



The Sensitive Data Co-chairs.