Re: [SPAM] [rda-agrisemantics-wg] group call #8

10 Mar 2017
Groups audience: 

Dear Sophie and agrisemantic colleagues,
I will not be able to attend tomorrow's call. Too early to me.
I am working by my own on surveying and mapping the knowledge related to agricultural KOS and terminologies in order to provide argumentation support for the AgroTermos (the Embrapa´s controlled vocabulary) implementation project.
I produced the attached material and share with you hoping that it might be useful as a supplement to the Semantics Landscape for Agricultural Data document. If you see any usefulness, I stay available for clarification or refinement.
Good meeting.
Ivo Pierozzi Junior
Organização do Conhecimento & Terminologia Agropecuária
Knowledge Organization & Agricultural Terminology
Embrapa Informática Agropecuária, Campinas, SP, Brazil
Embrapa Agricultural Informatics
***@***.*** / Tel.: +55 19 32115867 / Skype: ivo.pierozzi.jr | |
----- Mensagem original -----
De: "Sophie Aubin" <***@***.***>
Para: ***@***.***
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 9 de março de 2017 13:25:01
Assunto: [SPAM] [rda-agrisemantics-wg] group call #8
Dear all,
This is a kind reminder of our Friday (tomorrow) call at 9:00 CET.
Please connect at
Here is an agenda proposal. Feel free to add any issue.
1. Overview of the deliverable, rationale, executive summary
2. Discuss on ToC for section 2 (Uses of semantics for agricultural data)
3. Agree on a plan/separate discussion on section 3 (Existing semantic structures in the agricultural domain)
4. Agrisemantics session content (Friday, 7th in Barcelona)
The minutes will be written in this document as usual.
We look forward to your participation!
Sophie for the chairs
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File Attachment: 
PDF icon SCO.pdf6.18 MB
PDF icon WoS.pdf2.36 MB